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Terima kasih masih bersama kami pujangga piping. Sebelum saya lanjut menulis mengenai dunia kerja untuk engineer..Mohon kira-kiranya Bapak , Ibu, Saudara dan Saudari untuk mengklik iklan pada Blog ini, untuk menambah penghasilan kami yang sudah lama mengganggur atau bisa juga subscriber di youtube kami di sebelah kanan atas . yaitu Youtube Lajukela Coffee.
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Setelah di dua bab terdahulu kita membahas apa itu Engineering dan saat mengambil kuliah di bidang Engineering selanjutkan kita akan membahas mengenai engineer di dunia kerja. Pembahasan ini masih merujuk ke buku "The View From Here (Optimize your engineering career from the start)" karya Reece Lumsden
Adapun yang menjadi rangkuman dan tersedia dalam bahasa English adalah :
1. The Workforce dynamic between employer and employee has changed from one of dependency (a parent - child relationship_ to more evently balanced on of mutual benefit.
2. Training dan skill enhancement opportunities represent an increased distinguishing factor as to whether new employees will leave or stay with an organization
3. Employers should be open to providing an environment that is comfortable with transition, as this will ensure them being an employer of choice.
4. Career paths no longer follow the stair step model but rather a spiral model whereby new career episodes build on previous area worked but with greater responsibility or scope
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5. Just in Time jobs are a method for companies to meet short term needs, but unless attention is paid to transferring knowledge into the organization , It can be lost when short term contractors move on
6. Short Courses focused on specific employer needs represent an ideal way for employees to tailor their skills
7. Despite the perpection that multi tasking in a catalyst to accomplishing more, data suggests that it actually leads to a decrease in efficiency
8. The intoduction of technology to the classroom has led to a competition beetween lecturer and computer as opposed to the envisaged scenario whereby the technology is a catalyst for the learning experience.
9. The Perspectives of Gen Y, Gen X and baby boomers on work and its place within their lives have been infuenced by the environment in which they've developed. This is a reason why these three generations can seem different in their outlook
10. Advancement to higher levels of responsibility within an organization involved both a learning component (on the job and academic or book learning) and an experiential component . It is the experiential component that sometimes can not be shortcut., requiring the and patience to absorb and observe how things are done
11. Young Engineers coming to the organizations are seeking to have their voice heard within the organization, and many professional conferences and societies now specifically cater this.
12. Young Engineers are hungry for mentoring as a way to sound out their ideas and seek gudance on their career path
13. Mentoring is atwo way path, with both the mentor and mentee ideally gaining from the exchange
14. Many Young Engineers want overseas work experiences , given their comfort level with being in the global environment Harga Rp. 80.000,-
15. The Entrepreneurial route can offer an accelerated path to dealing with a variety of technical and non technical issues young engineers may not otherwise encounter at such an early stage. Thins such as dealing with customers, deadlines, cash flow and contracts are but a few of these issues.
Di Indonesia sendiri kebanyakan engineer yang baru lulus itu diharapkan bersama dan ilmu yang akan dikasih secara bertahap agar mereka bisa paham secara betahap untuk memahamkan sesuatu . Semua ada prosesnya dan jangan sampai seorang engineer yang baru lulus dianggap terlalu maju oleh parra seniornya, ada baiknya lihat situasi dan kondisi , ikuti arus dan bilamana sudah dapat ilmu nya baru terserah anda dalam menentukan karier anda selanjutnya.
Generasi sekarang adalah generasi X, Y and Baby Boomeer, yach bisa dikatakan gerasi sekarang tidak perlu uang tapi bagaimana mereka bisa mengembangkan Fasion nya dengan sesuatu yang dia sukai. Tapi setiap pasion itu ada batasannya dan harus selalu di arahkan oleh para senior. Intinya Respect
Jadi intinya untuk para engineer yang baru lulus hendaklah mengikuti arahan yang diberikan karena ilmu kerja itu akan diberikan secara bertahap. Dan biasanya dalam waktu 6 bulan itu bisa kita kuasai.
Itu aja sekilas mengenai engineer di dunia kerja. semoga bisa menambah wawasan untuk kita semua dalam berkarya menjadi seorang engineer apapun itu bidangnya.