Monday, June 15, 2020


For all the friends, 
here I enclosed some of the meaning of engineering that a found in the book, so hopefully anyone who being or become an engineer know how is the maining of their job or they doing. 

Kopi Liberika Riau Pesisir Asal Meranti
My son also enginer, but still study in University of Indonesia, Majoring Mechanical Engineer. But until know he don't know what the being engineer.

Here the meaning of engineering , Hopefully you enjoyed

Engineering is the art of science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences such as physics, chemistry and Biology.

An engieer is one versed in the design , construction and use o engines of machines or in any of the various branches of engineering mechanical , electical engineer, civil engineer etc

The Definition of an engineer provides a thin view of the activities that an engineer is involved in

Engineering includes that ability to test increasingly complex phenomena through simulation, which saves time, money, and facilitates analysis

The Main input of engineering is Intellectual capital

An Engineer is the greatest asset is their crativity and innovation

Engineering is different from science in that it is used to solve problems, it is purposes driven

The use of engineering principles extends back to the earliest human endeovors, the Pyramids being one such example

Engineering permeates every facet of modern life, from the cars we drive to the food we eat

It is difficult to compare raw figures of engineering graduation numbers between countries , as there is no international standard definition of what as engineer is

Most engineers share common traits : They like science and math. enjoy problem solving on one from or another : Possess an innate curiosity and enjoy finding out how things function.

Children begin life as explorers , one of the hallmarks of what makes a good engineer

from book "The View From Here

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