Tuesday, October 12, 2010



During we have to design a new project that collabration with others disciplines (mechanical, civil, process, control system, electrical), we should prepare scope of work. each descipline have to prepare the scope of work.

Here I got a sample about scope of work piping when do the new project, that the name of project is "Installation a new gas pipeline"

3.2.1. SCOPE OF FACILITIES (SOF) Design Basis

The following is the description of the Piping Engineering design basis for the installation of a 6” underground gas pipeline from ....... to.......The project is ensure sufficient and suitable gas supply to Area at least the
next 15 years. This is to be done by tapping in to the 28”  pipeline and running a new line to the new area
This facility is located in ....

• The decline in the gas supply from  gas field means that an additional gas supply is required to maintain   optimum power output from ...

• To handle the above condition, the Owner intends to install the new gas lines. The 6” diameter pipeline stretching from tie-in point at 28” diameter gas pipeline will be installed from
• The new gas lines will be installed underground with minimum depth of cover  of 1 meter.
• Coating protection for new gas pipeline in above ground as per Client specification
• Layout of equipment and piping design will be in accordance with engineering and design standards.
• Connections to existing lines/facilities will be per Client Piping Tie-in Specification. 
• The FEED drawings and any Client supplied addendum form the basis of the design and will be used as a start point for the detailed engineering stage.

2. Equipment and Systems

• The new gas pipeline Project involves the following Equipment. :

 Sump Tanks(Waste Tank)
 Filters
 Pig Launchers
 Pig Receivers
 Metering Skid

• Piping Material and method of Construction will be accordance with Client Specification
• Prevailing ASME B31.8 codes will govern design of piping.

3. Assumptions and Clarifications

The following Piping engineering assumptions, clarifications and exclusions are associated with the facilities physical and functional description.
• The new 6” diameter pipeline from ....to ...shall be on the opposite side of the road and parallel to the
   existing  diameter pipeline.
• Cathodic protection is required to minimize pipe corrosion
• The FEED drawings have been approved by the client and will be developed up to AFC status.
• Shutdown of the Plant should be avoided if possible.


2.2.1. Design Approach

The following design approach outlines the engineering design services, and engineering support services by piping team

• Generate detailed manhour estimate, deliverable list & project schedule.
• Review and evaluate the feed drawings. And Provide engineering recommendation if necessary.
• Develop 2D Preliminary drawings/ sketches for the proposed new piping.

Client review and approval is required prior to start of detailed design.
• Develop 2D AFC drawings/ sketches for the new location of gas pipelines.
• Develop piping layout and perform piping stress analysis using Caesar II Software
• Generate AFC piping layout drawings also any piping plans, section and details that may be required.
• Provide an Initial Material Take off (MTO) for all piping items the gas pipeline project, at the completion of 30% engineering. Final MTO
• Conduct and participate in client study/ reviews regarding constructability, safety, cost savings, inter discipline interface and design integration with existing systems. References and Standards

Standard and reference documents to be used include but are not limited to:

• Safety-In-Design Manual
• Client  Engineering Specification
• ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Codes
• NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers)
• ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Codes
• AWS (American Welding Society Standard)
• ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
• API (American Petroleum Institute)
• All applicable Indonesian local codes Special Resources

• Coordinate and elevations will reflect the new Client plant grid system and elevation datum.
• All as built drawings reflecting existing conditions of plant viz overall plot plan, unit plot plan, above and below ground piping, will be provided by client Engineering Deliverables

The following Piping Engineering documents and other deliverables will be provided to the client during or at the end of the project deliverables to Client

- Stress Analysis Report
- Induction Bend List
- L/R Elbow List and Plan
- Final Drawings
- Tie – in List
- Plot Plan Drawings
- Piping Plan & Section
- On Plot Piping Plan and Section drawings
- Isometric Drawings for On Plot & Off Plot
- Bill of Materials / Bill of Quantities (MTO) Inter Discipline Coordination

Piping group will communicate with the required disciplines for the preparation and coordination of the following items :

• Civil : Location of new 6”diameter Plan, Elevation, Pipe Foundation + Supports & Stress Calculation(Loads).

• Process : P&ID’s, Line list, Equipment list.

• Mechanical : Equipment (data sheet and specification) .
• Control System : P&ID development and HAZOP review, instrument standard Instrument vendor data sheet and drawings,
• Construction : Support function for design clarifications.
• Engineering Management: Schedules and progress reports. Assumptions and Clarifications

The following Piping Engineering, assumptions and clarifications are associated with
the Scope of Services design approach, activities and deliverables.:

• Basis for scope and engineering man hour estimation are :

--- Work Authorization no (from clent)
--- Scope of work for detail engineering (from client)

• Site surveys will be conducted to collect inputs and verify accuracy of information received from Client and to identify the requirement of additional inputs from client.

• All work permits required to conduct field survey shall be coordinated & approved by Client
• Deliverables are limited to those outlined in the list of deliverables.
• Site modifications in drawings which include As-built & Site instructions from Client are all included to the scope of works.
• Any of the following shall be treated as change order :
o Additional activities due to scope change.
o Incorporating additional Client comments/preferences after approval of Document or Drawings.
o Delay in design inputs (ex. Process data, Client Standard drawings, Specs, Sketches, Reliability of Client provided information) which will cause a delay in the development of contractor deliverable and will impact schedule.
• Preliminary drawings will be to FEED quality, phase 4 deliverables will be suitable to issue for construction.
• Client will be responsible for the issues regarding with the Local Authorities.

That the Piping Design Engineering scope of work when design a new project from Client. Hopefully it can help you to get the meaning what piping engineering do when design a new project.
The piping engineer must work as a team with other engineers.

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