Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This pictures are funny /strange piping that take from the internet and http://www.wermac.com/ . They show that every human do also in the piping. This funny is depend on your thinking.

Pohon Sawit dipasung oleh piping semasa mulai dewasa

The Piping Riding like a horse
On PDMS Module, support with hangers

Support with Brick

Pallet Beam Support

The Little Samsons

Replex from not understand the drawing

He Tired...and Need a Rest....

Brigde of Piping...
Additional Pipe Support..

What When Wrong the pipe moving??

Hangers of socks

Cool creation ...not only in the wall

The art of pipe support

The small palm oil dipasung semasa masih anak-anak

Good view from here...

This for Adult piping..

It is only some of strange piping / funny piping that I search in the internet, I will get another and hopefully we can joint in to future knowlegde while installing  the new pipe..

Merdeka....!!!!!....!!!  Merdeka.....!!!!!! Merdeka...........!!!!!
Selamat Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang ke 66

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sebenarnya jalan-jalan saya ke Istana Siak sudah berlangsung sekitar 3 tahun yang lalu tapi karena banyak photo-photo yang ingin saya infokan kepada para turis makanya saya tuangkan saja disini kali saja ada yang berminat main ke Istana Siak.

Bila kita ingin ke Istana Siak..kalau dari Pekanbaru kita menuju ke kota Siak Indrapura yang jaraknya sekitar 4 - 5 Jam perjalanan dan ada baiknya kalau mau ke sana membawa mobil sendiri atau mengikuti agent perjalanan yang ada di Pekanbaru.

Dibawah ini adalah cerita mengenai Kerajaan Siak yang saya ambil dari blog nya http://bz.blogfam.com/2006/04/riau_dan_istana_siak_sri_indra.html
daripada nanti saya cerita yang salah, lebih baik saya searching di mbah google dan ketemu deh cerita mengenai Istana Siak.

Istana Siak Sri Indrapura (Istana Asserayah Al Hasyimiah)

Sejak Sultan Syarif Hasyim dinobatkan menjadi raja pada tahun 1889, beliau mulai membangun istana kerajaan dan istana peraduan yang selesai pada tahun 1893. Istana dibangun untuk kepentingan jalannya pemerintahan Kerajaan Siak Sri Indrapura.

Istana Asserayyah Al Hasyimiah, singkatnya disebut Istana Sultan Siak, dalam kepariwisataan disebut Istana Matahari Timur. Istana Sultan Siak berbentuk arsitektur gaya Eropa, Spanyol, dan Arab dengan perpaduan Melayu tradisional. Dinding istana dihiasi dengan keramik dari Eropa.

Bangunan istana terdiri dari dua lantai, pada lantai dasar terdapat 5 ruangan besar utama yang dipergunakan untuk :

1. Ruangan depan istana,
merupakan ruang tunggu para tamu, di dalmanya terdpat 2 bagian ruang, untuk para tamu terhormat disebut ruangan Kursi Gading, berkain gordin warna hijau lumut khusus untuk tamu kaum laki-laki; dan satu ruang terhormat berikutnya untuk kaum perempuan.

2. Ruangan di sisi kanan,
adalah Ruang Sidang kerajaan dan sekaligus digunakan sebagai ruang pesta.

3. Ruangan di sisi kiri,
adalah upacara adat kerajaan melayu dipergunakan untuk pelantikan, perwakilan, upacara menjunjung duli dan upacara hari-hari besar keagamaan.

4. Ruangan belakang,
adalah sebuah ruang keperluan persiapan perjamuan makan untuk santapan para tamu dan raja-raja serta pembesar kerajaan. Pada ruangan ini terdapat tangga besi spiral indah buatan Jerman untuk tangga naik ke lantai atas. Pada ruang belakang ini terdapat pelantar (koridor) sepanjang 500 meter berbentuk huruf T, dipergunakan untuk jamuan makan bagi rakyat umum.

Di lantai atas istana Sultan Siak ini terdapat 4 ruangan berbentuk kamar/bilik dan 2 ruangan berbentuk aula selasar yang dipergunakan untuk tempat istirahat para tamu, serta bagian depan terdapat pelantaran atau tempat peranginan yang menghadap ke taman bunga Panca Wisada dan Sungai Siak. Pada pintu gerbang istana terdapat patung burung elang menyambar dari perunggu, pada 4 buah pilar istana di ujung puncaknya terdapat patung burung elang menyambar. Burung elang merupakan tanda kebesaran dan keberanian serta kemegahan Kerajaan Siak.

Didalam istana tersimpan barang koleksi sisa peninggalan Sultan Syarif Hasim dan barang-barang persembahan semasa Sultan Syarif Kasim II antara lain :

1. Komet,
Sejenis gramafon raksasa terbuat dari tembaga dengan piring garis tengah 1 meter dari bahan kuningan (pelat kuningan) dapat mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyian musik klasik karya Beethoven dan Mozart, buatan Jerman

2. Singgasana,
Berupa kursi keemasan yang penuh dengan ukiran yang indah dari bahan kuningan berbalut dengan emas (yang pernah hilang dan dikonservasi kembali oleh Museum Nasional Jakarta).

3. Payung kerajaan,
Berlambang naga berjuang dan kalimat Allah serta tulisan Muhammad bertangkup dari kain sutera kuning keemasan.

4. Senjata Kerajaan Melayu ,
Tombak, keris, meriam, serta alat nobat, cermin mustika, kursi-kursi, lampu-lampu kristal beratnya 1 ton, barang-barang keramik dari Cina dan Eropa, diorama, patung perunggu Ratu Belanda Helmina dan patung pualam Sultan bermata berlian, benda-benda upacara lain, serta piring-piring, cangkir, gelas, sendok bermerk lambang kerajaan.

5. Bendera Kerajaan Siak,
Berwarna kuning keemasan, di tengah terdapat lambang kerajaan bermoptif kapala naga berjuang dan di atasnya terdapat kalimat Allah serta kaligrafi Muhammad bertangkup.

6. Replika Mahkota Kerajaan Siak,
Dibuat semasa pemerintahan Sultan Siak X, Assyaidis Syarif Kasim Syaifuddin (Syarif Kasim I). Replika mahkota ini berbalut emas dan bertaburkan permata, sedangkan yang asli terdapat di Museum Nasional Jakarta.

7. Tempat Pembakar (Setanggi),
Merupakan wewangian yang berasal dari ramuan tumbuh-tumbuhan, dengan membakar setanggi akan keluar aroma yang wangi dan ketika itu berfungsi sebagai pengharum ruangan istana.

8. Canang,
Berbentuk guci terletak di ujung ruangan jamuan istana, bila dipukul canang ini mengeluarkan bunyi gaung, digunakan oleh Sultan untuk memanggil pelayan istana.

Dan dibawah ini adalah photo-photo hasil bidikan saya dan semoga anda penasaran ingin berkunjung ke Istana Siak..

Replika Raja dan Para Punggawa Kerajaan Siak

Lambang Kerajaan

Lambang Kerajaan

Perahu Kerajaan Siak

Istana Siak

Salah satu burung yang ada di Istana Siak

Replica Mahkota

Silsilah Raja Siak

Daftar Raja-Raja Siak Indrapura

Makam Keluarga Kerajaan Siak Indrapura

Makam Raja-Raja Siak bersebelahan dengan Masjid

Sebenarnya masih banyak photo-photo yang cantik yang mau saya sampaikan disini tapi ada baiknya anda ke sana sendiri saja untuk membuktikan kecantikan dan keindahan Istana Siak dan bangunan-bangunan lain yang ada disebelahnya.

Untuk masuk ke Istana Siak biaya yang dikenakan hanyalah kurang dari 20 ribu. Saya kurang tahu pasti berapa harga tiket masuknya tapi semua masih terjangkau.
Dan juga di belakang Masjid ada terdapat Sungai Siak..

Dan bila ingin berwisata ke Riau..jangan lupakan Istana Siak..Info lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi email saya dan saya akan membantu semampu saya.

Kuala Lumpur,  16 August 2011. pukul 09.54 PM

Masjid Siak

Monday, August 15, 2011



The primary function of a double block and bleed system is for isolation and the secondary function is for intervention.

Under certain conditions double block and bleed systems are needed to prevent product contamination or where it is necessary to remove essential equipment from service for cleaning or repairs while the unit continues in operation.

Of course, such equipment must be provided with a spare or it must be possible to bypass it temporarily without shutting down the unit.

The nature of the fluid, its pressure and temperature, and many other factors must be considered when determining the need for double block and bleed systems.

Generally, block valves should be considered for the onstream isolation of equipment if the fluid is flammable or otherwise hazardous, or if the fluid is in high-pressure or high-temperature service. Where double block valves are used, a NPS ¾ or larger bleed valve should be installed between the block valves.

The purpose of the bleed valve is twofold. First, the bleed ensures that the upstream valve is in fact tight before slipping in a blind off the downstream block valve. The bleed connection also permits the safe withdrawal of moderate leakage from the upstream valve to again assure the tight shutoff of the downstream valve.

Depending on the service conditions, it may be possible to use a single block valve with a body bleed to provide double block and bleed provisions for onstream isolation of equipment.

Gate valves with flexible wedges and with body or bonnet bleed valve can serve this purpose if specifically tested in accordance with API-598 for double block and bleed quality valves.

Some ball valves and nonlubricated plug valves, when equipped with a valve body bleed between the seats, can also be satisfactory substitutes for double block valves.

Testing for double block and bleed quality valves requires the pressure-testing of each seat, with leakage measured through the valve body bleed as a means of substantiating the independent leak tightness of both the upstream and downstream seats of the valve.


The Double Block and Bleed Valve or a DBBV can perform the tasks of 3 separate valves (2 separate isolations and 1 drain valve) which apart from being hugely space saving can also save on weight and time due to installation and maintenance practices requiring much less work and the operator being able to locate and operate all 3 valves in one location.

Double block and bleed valves operate on the principle that isolation can be achieved from both the upstream and downstream process flow / pressures.

This is achieved by two ball, gate, globe, needle, etc. valves placed back to back, with a third "isolatable" valve in the centre cavity.

Once isolation has been achieved in one or more of the main process isolation valves, the cavity that is created between these isolations can be drained. This is useful for flow diverting, sampling or injection situations, and for maintenance and or integrity check situations where seat leakage can be monitored through the third "bleed" valve.

The image on the left gives you a good impression, how a DBB valve is constructed.

In this image example, three balls are mounted. 2 large balls that serve as a block (both are closed), and the small ball serve as the bleed (ball is in open position).

Image comes from www.habonim.com. It is a DBB valve in the dual-Safe series.
from http://www.wermac.org/

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Kalau saya ingat-ingat mengenai perburuan PDMS di masa lalu, rasanya rada kesel juga karena hanya dengan waktu 30 menit saja, uang 2 juta digadaiakan hanya untuk mendapatkan copy dari PDMS yang diinstalkan di laptop..

Sejak tahun 2006 saya sudah mengenai yang namanya PDMS, tapi waktuitu saya hanya tahu kulitnya saja yaitu PDMS dan saya nggak tahu maksud dari PDMS itu apa dan saya check dan search kalau PDMS itu kepanjangan dari Plant Design Management System. Nah saya bingung kok ada embel-embel managementnya segala katanya ini software piping untuk membuat 3D piping tapi kok pake management segala berarti ini software sangat complex dan cukup aneh dalam bayangan saya waktu itu..

Dan untuk menutupi rasa penasaran saya maka saya pun mulai berburu PDMS , saya search di internet dan masih juga belum puas arti dari PDMS dan saat itu pun saya nggak ketemu makna sesungguhnya dari PDMS. Dan saya pun akhirnya bertanya di dalam forum Millis Migas Indonesia dimana saya bergabung sebagai member sejak tahun 2006. Dan akhirnya saya menemukan banyak jawaban dan akhirnya saya pun bertanya mengenai softwarenya.. Dan waktu itu memang saya betul-betul nggak mengerti makna dari PDMS jadi saya pun mencai crack crack an software PDMS dan mulainya ada yang menawari via japri software PDMS dari harga 3 juta sampai ke harga 1 juta. Dan dengan harga 3 juta, anak jakarta yang menawarkannya dengan alasan akan diberikan copy softwarenya dan tentunya saya menolaknya karena saya cuma ingin tahu saja dengan software PDMS dan tentunya harga 3 juta masih cukup tinggi. Dan dalam beberapa hari saya mendapatkan tawaran-tawaran via japri dan tentunya saya sangat berterima kasih sekali banyak teman-teman yang mau bantu saya dalam mencari software PDMS yang waktu itu masih sangat langkah. Dan anhenya waktu itu saya masihbeum paham apa itu PDMS dan dalam bayangan saya akan belajar management seperti belajar Primavera atau MS Project.

Dan akhirnya ada anak Batam menawarkan harga 1 juta da hanya install saja dan dia akan mengajarkan cara menggunakan PDMS dan akhirnya setelah dipikir-pikir saya pun setuju denagn harga tersebut karena bagi saya harga tersebut cukup terjangkau tapi masalahnya saya harus ke Batam untuk mendapatkan software tersebut. Karena keinginan saya cukup kuat untuk mendapatkan PDMS itu maka akhirnya saya pun menyetujui untuk bertemu dengan penjual di Batam dan kebetulan ada teman akrab saya ingin ikut untuk mendapatkan software tersebut.
Dan saya tanya ke teman di Batam tersebut ada teman saya yang mau install PDMS juga dan dijawab ya harus bayar 1 juta juga dan kahirnya kami pun setuju.

Jadi kami pun berangkat ke Batam dan sebelumnya saya menghubungi paman saya di Batam mengenai kedataangan saya dan kami pun dijemput di Bandara Hang Nadim. Dan kami pun menginap di salah satu hotel yang berada di Nagoya. Dan Paman ku bertanya ada apa ke Batam dan saya jawab mau ada perlu dan berhubungan dengan kerjaan. Tapi saya nggak cerita kerjaan apa dan saya pun bingung menjelaskan kepada Paman saya apa itu PDMS karena saya pun belum tahu makna sesungguhnya dari PDMS itu.
Tapi itulah Paman saya tetap curiga ngapain saya ke Batam dan dipikirnya mungkin saya mau aneh-aneh. Say pun trsenyum saja mendengar cerita-cerita yang aneh-aneh yang diceritakan Paman saya agar saya lebih berhati-hati bila main ke Batam.

Setelah sampai di Hotel, saya pun menghubungi teman di batam tersebut dan kebetulan dia kerja di Malaysia dan disepakati jam bertemu dan disepakati kalau pertemuannya berlangsung di hotel tempat kami menginap. dan janji ketemu jam 4 sore dan akhirnya kami pun sepakat. Dan sesuai waktu yang dijanjikan dia pun datang ke kamar hotel kami dan paman saya pun masih ada disana menemani kami.
Dan setelah berkenalan dia pun mengeluarkan flash disk yang dibawanya dan langsung diinstallnya di Laptop kami berdua teman saya. Dan stelah diinstallkan dan akhirnya dia mengajari kami sejenak dan dia pun meningalkan kami dengan alasan ada keperluan lain tapi padahal janjinya akan mengajari kami lebih banyak lagi. Akhirnya dia meninggalkan kami dengan membawa uang 2 juta dan hanya dengan waktu 30 menit uang 2 juta telah beralih ke tangan teman tersebut. Dan saya pun terbengong-bengong karena saya masih belum mendapatkan ilmu untuk mengoperasikan PDMS tersebut. Sebenarnya saya cukup kesal dengan cara seperti itu tapi yach udahlah mau gimana lagi kalau kita sudah berjanji dan sudah sepakat kita tak boleh mengingkarinya lagi. Saking kesalnya akhirnya esok paginya saya memutuskan untuk ke Singapure bersama teman saya yang dari Pekanbaru karena kebetulan ada teman kami yang bekerja di Singapure. Jadi malam itu saya dan teman saya mengotak atik software PDMS dan belu tahu cara menggunakannya. Jadi esoknya kami ke Singapure untuk melupakan sesaat mengenai PDMS.

Itulah sekilas mengenai perburuhan kami terhadap PDMS dan saya pun merasa puas karena saya sudah tahu mengenai PDMS walau banyak teman yang menyayangkan harga 1 juta itu cukup mahal hanya untuk sebuah software crack. tapi itulah namanya mencari ilmu baru tentunya harus ada pengorbanan. Tapi sebenarnya kalau mau sabar sebenarnya banyak sekali yang menawarkan gratis di internet software PDMS ini tapi entah kenapa mata saya tertutup untuk melihat kesana mungkin karena punya keinginan lain di Batam selain erburu software kali yach..

Tapi itulah sejak saat pertemuan di Batam saya tak pernah jumpa lagi dengan teman tersebut sampai sekarang. Dan sejak pertemuan tersebut software PDMS yang diinstal ke laptop teman saya yang ikut ke Batam rusak sedang kami tak punya copy software nya. Dan saya pun menghubungi yang jual software tapi nggak bisa dihubungi karena ngapain pula harus ke Batam lagi untuk install. Tapi rupanya teman saya telah mendapatkan sendiri software tersebut dari teman lain secara gratis karena mengikuti training PDMS di jakarta dan akhirnya diinstal lagi kelaptop teman saya itu. Sebanrnya saya merasa bersalah dengan teman saya karena softwarenya rusak dan tak ada back up tapi itulah saya sudah bilang ke dia kalau kalau ada apa-apa ditanggung masing-masing.

Jadi itulah sedikit cerita mengenai perburuhan PDMS dan memang kalau mau belajar PDMS harus mengikuti training karena kitatidak bisa belajar secara otodidak mengenai software tersebut karena sejak ada PDMS tersebut saya masih belum juga bisa menggunakannya dan akhirnya tahun 2009 awal saya kembali ke Batam dan mengikuti training secara private dengan suatu lembaga training di Batam dan Akhirnya saya baru tahu apa yang dimaksud dengan PDMS dan tahu cara menggunakannya. Tapi waktu itu saya ambil adalah yang Mechanical Piping saja dan waktu kursus hanya 24 jam dengan uang bayaran 2,5 juta. Tapi itulah seperti yang saya bilang tadi bahwa mencariilmu itu tidak bisa secara gratis dan perlu biaya untuk mendapatkannya.

Dan baru secarang saya gunakan secara resmi software PDMS karena sekarang saya gunakan software PDMS untuk mereview pekerjaan-pekerjaan dari sub contractor kami. dan saya harus belajar lagi untuk menggunakan PDMS karena sejak belajar tahun 2009 lalu semua itu tidak pernah saya gunakan lagi karena pekerjaan saya sebelum sekarang tidak memerlukan software PDMS. Tapi sekarang mau  tak mau saya harus belajar lagi dan harus pandai menggunakan software PDMS.

Dan saya berencana mengikuti training resmi PDMS dari Aveva yang ada di Kuala Lumpur dan ada 3 tahapan untuk mengikuti training PDMS dan harga setiap training RM 3000 dan saya harus menabung dahulu untuk mendapatkan uang sebanyak itu.
Adapun tahapan-tahapan training PDMS yang sesungguhnya dari Aveva Kuala Lumpur adalah :

1.   AVEVA PDMS Basic Design
      Piping, Mechanical, Structure, Cable Tray & HVAC Modelling

2.  AVEVA PDMS Basic Drawing Production
     Isometric Drawing, Basic Drawing Production, Reports Clash Check, Introduction to
     Catalogues and Spec

3.  AVEVA PDMS Basic Admin and Review
     Basic PDMS Administration, Drawing Administration  and PDMS Review

Dan saya pun tengah mencari sponsor-sponsor yang dapat membantu saya dalam pembiayaan training-training Aveva PDMS  yang rencananya akan saya ikuti di Bualn Oktober atau November 2011. RM 3000 x 3 = RM 9000. Bila berminat bisa menghubungi ke email saya.

Kuala Lumpur, 11Agustus 2011 pukul 6.54 AM.

Monday, August 8, 2011


Disini saya coba untuk membandingkan mengenai pengecekan terhadap isometric drawings. Dan tentunya setiap perusahaan akan berbeda tata caranya tapi intinya tetap sama yaitu agar isometric drawing yang dihasilkan menghasilkan hasil yang baik dengan quality drawings yang baik sehingga dapat dipahami pada saat constrcution atau fabrikasi..

Disini saya akan coba menjabarkan dahulu atau mengambil sample beberapa isometric yang berlaku di beberapa company dan juga yang ada pada internet yang saya search baik di goggle atau di yahoo.

Dan ada bebrapa check list yang pernah saya share dan saya masukkan kembali di dalam "Piping Isometrci Check List Selayang Panjang" ini

Berikut adalah beberapa check list pada tiap-tiap pandangan yang berlaku pada engineering company ataupun client.

Kalau dilihat dari urain yang ditulis dibawah ini, apa yang tercantum tersebut adalah beberapa yang pernah ditemui pada saat mengecek isometric drawing tapi bisa juga dipakai sebagai acuan atau check list.

01 - Color code not used properly
02 - Data block not completely filed in
03 - Data block not checked
04 - Line continuation not checked
05 - Unrecognizable symbology
06 - Audit checklist not filled out completely or not filled out correctly
07 - Piping components that are incorrectly listed in the parts list categorizing them as shop, field, field assembly
08 - Field welds shown at every weld on a field fab iso
09 - Field welds omitted - especially at sheet continuations
10 - Checker made notes to self or others that were in red instead of black or blue
11 - Checker did not make himself clear in what was required, he used an ambiguous narrative statement rather than detailing and locating
12 - Steam trap piping checked without any standard or job instruction
13 - Impossible dimensions either PDS-generated or annotated - for example a gate valve 6mm long
14 - Incompatability of piping components - for example a copper tee on a carbon steel header
15 - Pipe guides and their locations not checked
16 - Checker takes the time to write a note say ing a flow arrow is needed rather than just drawing it in red
17 - Vents and drains drawn in red but not located
18 - Dimensions changed for one millimeter
19 - High point vent specified as a sockolet and a screwed plug
20 - Unneeded field welds added by the checker
21 - Hydrostatic vents and drains missing
22 - Flanged valves added by the checker without locating dimensions
23 - Isometric checked with instrumentation on hold
24 - Duplication of dimensions by the checker - added to existing dimensions
25 - Piping components called out as required by the checker but not drawn or located
26 - Notes by the checker in red - "install drain", "clarify valve size and rating"
27 - Items added in parts list but not shown on the iso
28 - Checker added dimensions in red but also the word "approximate"
29 - Checker spent time correcting the quantities in the parts list
30 - Checker circled something in red with either the note "fix" or with a question mark
31 - Text is too small
32 - Screwed plug welded to valve
33 - Iso checked without stress sketch
34 - Mark numbers missing
35 - Checker marked up the parts list and nothing else
36 - Notes on the iso in black pencil that should be shown in red so the backdrafter will pick them up
37 - Checker is unsure if line is sloped (a note with a question mark)
38 - Parts list receiving more attention than the data block or graphic portion
39 - Steam/condensate break in the wrong place on a steam trap iso
40 - DUMB NOTE; "Reverse the flow" is written rather than drawing a red flow arrow
41 - An iso to be deleted is indicated as such with a post-it that can fall off instead of marking directly on the iso
42 - Lots of checker activity/marks in red on backcheck print
43 - Duplicating a red mark with a note saying EXACTLY the same thing
44 - Socketweld valve is field and needs FW on both ends of the valve
45 - Red question marks in the data block
46 - HOLD shown in black pencil
47 - 100mm long spoolpiece added between every place where fitting make up could be used
48 - A bend is shown but without a callout or radius
49 - Common BOP not called out at dummy supports
50 - Control valve manifold block valve and bypass not in proper location per jo standards.
51 - Lack of common sense...3 BA's in a configuration 2 meters long - two are sliding and one is fixed
52 - Steam trap piping that is not initially shown on the check print should be handled either by the checker drawing it in red or returning it to the designer to have it added for check - NOT just circle it up for the backdrafter to do
53 - Screwed gate valve has a plug welded to it
54 - Line needs future connection - checker says it's to be added but doesn't locate or detail it
55 - Line was checked without IDP being run
56 - Shoe has been deleted but the dimension remains in place
57 - FFW used on 1 1/2" pipe
58 - Expansion loop shown on a line not requiring stress analysis – IA header
59 - Field fab piping with mark numbers
60 - Steam trap at control valve manifold shown after the downstream block valve
61 - Modified support detail dimensions are mixed - some are in millimeters some are in inches
62 - Spec break shown at the weld of a weld neck flange
63 - Weep hole for relief valve to atm is in the side of the elbow
64 - The checker detailed rebar in a CPS
65 - Schedule of pipe being supported is called out on a support detail
66 - Check print already has been signed off - prior to check
67 - Header block valve is too far from the header
68 - Blow off valve missing at y-strainer
69 - Pipe is unsupported
70 - Horizontal line resting on a 5FS1S1 is u-bolted when it does not need a u-bolt
71 - Checking time for iso on audit status sheet says 5 minutes for a complex line
72 - Bolts and gaskets were removed from one sheet and were not added on the
continuation sheet
73 - Pipe at minus 50 degrees but not requiring stress analysis
74 - Checker invented own library of symbols for audit status sheet - without explanation
75 - Bolt hole note stating industry standard is unnecessary
76 - Support detail shows insulation on the line, but the line is uninsulated
77 - 55 meters of straight pipe with out attachments of any kind are shop fabricated
78 - New dimension added in red, but old dimension is not deleted
79 - 5G1 used on a line w/3" thick insulation - can't be done
80 - MISMATCH - audit checklist if for a different line number than the iso to which it is attached, yet the marks on the checklist match those on the iso
81 - Work point elevations at elbows and slope plus distance traveled do not "work" - can't be built
82 - Incomplete U-bolt call outs
83 - Weld dot shown on threaded connection
84 - Shop fab supports shown in field fab portion of parts list
85 - Galvanized, threaded pipe with galvanized malleable iron fittings shown as shop fabricated
86 - Undimensioned mark number
87 - Dimension locating shoe places one end of the shoe past the centerline of a nearby 90 degree ell
88 - 5US used in a horizontal run. 5US used on galvanized pipe.
89 - Span charts not adhered to for proper support.
90 - Signing off iso's that have ERROR READING DATABASE on the parts list
91 - Elbow that is rotated but does not have the offset dimensionally called out.
92 - Insulation breaks that are unnecessary between header and vent.
93 - Incorrect item codes for pipe that is purchased pre-painted.
94 - Incorrect fab code for base supports and shoes.
95 - Carbon steel shoe on a stainless steel line. Putting shoes in the field that should go in the shop.
96 - Incorrect or no line continuation called out.
97 - Incorrect choice on PWHT / seal weld / fabrication category in the title box.
98 - Dimensions that can not be read.
99 - Not placing low point drains and high point vents on the shop portion of rack ISO's.
100- Noting PP for insulation for lines that do not require it.
101- Not maximizing spool piece sizes for shipping.
102- Placing field welds below platforms making welding more difficult than necessary.
103- Spool pieces that exceed shipping box size.
104- Checker spent time correcting "cut length" on bill of material.
105- Process drains left off.
106- PLSR not verified for completion.
107- Continuation at equipment not verified with latest nozzle report.
108- Not following standard for insulation lugs.
109- Incorrect call out for insulation lugs.
110- Not using coupling to join small bore pipe together.
111- Addition of couplings for pipe that is "T & C"
112- Not following assembly details for instruments.
113- Incorrect nipple length to get assembly outside of insulation.
114- Not sequencing P & I D with regard to branch location.
115- Handwheels not accessible.
116- Placing a FW in the middle of a pipe run (because of change of partition) rather than at a flange or fitting.
117- Breaking spec at the weld of a fitting rather than the valve.
118- Guides that are too close to a change of direction
119- Flow arrows on dummy supports and support stanchions.
120- Not meeting the minimum required size for dummy support.
121- Not utilizing bends in suitable locations where spec calls for them as PREFERRED FABRICATION"
122- Using short spool pieces that place welds too close together.
123- Incorrect boot size on the steam header.
124- Using 300# weld neck flanges instead of orifice flanges where required.
125- Adding a spool piece where high point vent could have been placed on the elbow (minimum from the weld).
126- Ignoring constructability issue when penetrating a platform.
127- Not giving enough clearance between insulation and grade.
128- Placing loose items like nipples in the shop
129- Making a FW at the large end of a reducer.
130- Creating pockets by using concentric reducers.
131- Not providing weep holes in tail pipes that vent to atmosphere.
132- Not showing dummy support on parts list.
Itulah tadi uraian mengecekan isometric yang berlaku di perusahaan A. Dan berikut kita masuk pengecekan isometric drawing yang saya search dari internet.

Berikut ini adalah pengecekan isometric drawing yang berlaku umum. saya bilang berlaku umum karena saya lihat di blog piping yang menuliskan bebrapa hal mengenai pengecekan isometric drawing. Rinciannya adalah :

· Title block.
· North arrow orientation.
· Line continuation - Iso index.
· Matching isometrics and elevation.
· Equipment location to grid.
· Equipment terminal details.
· Location to grid/equipment.
· Structural penetrations.
· Locations of item .
· Line content.
· Flow arrow.
· Pipeline number and elevations.
· Fabrication type.
· Dimensional completion.
· Valve orientation.
· Fabrication limits.
· Field weld locations.
· Make-up weld locations.
· Cut to fit dimensions.
· Spool number sequence.
· Pipe support locations.
· Hydrotest requirements.
· Flushing requirements.
· Insulation limits.
· Heat tracing limits.
· Piping bills of materials completeness.
· Piping insulation materials completeness.
· Specials list completeness.
· Assemblies list completeness.
· Tagged item list completeness.
· Fabrication requirements completeness.

Itulah tadi pengecekan isometrci drawing berdasarkan salah satu blog yang bernah saya baca. Dan ketiga adalah pengecekan isometric drawing yang berlaku di perusahaan B.


Di dalam perusahaan  B ini ada sedikit perbedaan dalam hal pengecekan isometric drawings tapi walaupun berbeda tapi tetap tujuannya agar drawings bisa dibaca dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang bisa dibaca dan dikerjakan pada sat konstruksi atau fabrikasi.

Berikut adalah  check list yang berlaku tersebut :
- Conformity with PID regarding:
· Piping class & Diameter
· Connections to other lines (qty, size & location)
· Connections to Valves and equipments (weld or flange)
· Instrumentation (type, quantity, location
· Flow direction, slope
· Checking of Material Specification w.r.t Pipe Class Manual
· Location with regard to the building Rows-Columns reference axes
· Orientation of bosses with required details (sectional view)
· Support Lugs welded on pipe with required position and orientation details, if applicable
· Spooling, assessment of Field / Shop welds, with regards to the transport gauge (11,5m* 2,5m*2.5m)
· Clear quotation of orientation for the vertical parts as requested for the slope (e.g. Drain leg to be vertical whatever the main piping slope)
- Conformity with material list MTO available in EPC’ystem (Qty/Size)
· Pipe Lengths
· Elbows (LR or SR, 90° or 45°)
· Tee’s (equal or reduced or tee + reducer)
· Reducer’s (concentric or eccentric)
· Branch connections (Piping class rules = GS140, tee or weldolet or pipe to pipe or reinforcement plate)
· Drain leg (pipe + cap BE + weldolet for LI or drain + half coupling + SW cap + boss for temperature)
· Flanges (type, face profile, size & rating, gasket, bolts)
· Special accessories (quick coupling, flow nozzle …)
· Boss identification / Instrumentation Stubs, GS040
· Valve type, connection and dimension

Dan setelah anda baca tentunya cukup aneh bukan? karena rada agak berbeda dengan seperti yang saya sampaikan di atas tadi. Tapi tujuannya tetap sama yaitu untuk menghasilkan gambar yang baik dan bisa pakai untuk fabrikasi.


Disini akan diuraikan mengenai check list piping isometric drawing.
- Pastikan Line sizing, Line Class dan changes with P&ID
-Tanda Panah untuk arah flow yang berjalan
-Instrument and Item TAG No.
-Correct Tag No for special items
-Pastikan slop requirement of Pipe
-Check instrument tapping point and branch line follow order according to P&ID
- Show general note and special notes on P&ID
-Pastikan tittle block and revision no. as per manual
-Patikan line no or drawings number ada
-ensure perform of stress check
-Confirm the paint code, insulation code, and thickness and the bondary of insulation as per project spec.
ensure steam tracing code with P&ID
-ensure the design pressure and temperature with line table
-ensure the operating pressure and temperature with line table
-ensure test pressure and test medium with line table
-ensure area no. and Unit no.
-ensure reference plan drawings no.
-ensure NDE class
-ensure state north arrow direction
-ensure issue/revisio no.
-ensure the description for continuation
-Line configuration
-dimensions, elevation and coordinates
-spetacle blind orientation
-orifice tap orientation and scope of supply
-orientation of valve handwheel for easy operation
-dimension around control valve
-type vent and drain and the location for easy access
-the correct type and description of weld attachement support.
-flange rating size and code equipment nozzle
-the reflection of final vendor drawing package
-reflection of final vendor drawing dor in line instruments
-location of flange bolt hole on equipment nozzle
check the interface between control valve actuator and by pass line.
-confirm flange rating size and code fot control valve and instrument valves
-piping thickness as per specification
-specification valve
specification of piping material
-tag valve no.
-pastikan thickness of gasket
valve type of instrument connection (integral valve and double block and bleed)
-possibility of temporary strainer
-requirement of branch reinforcement
-consider for field weld point jika diperlukan
-ability of handling oand transportasi of spool pieces
-ensure teh enough space for bolt tightening for valve and flange over 24" and 600 psi.
-the maintenance of screen of large bore cone strainer
-ensure the design of break flange for lifting of pipe spool from Top Nozzle of Exchanger
-confirm the butterfly valve type on tank nozzle
-requirement jack srew hole of specer blank
-The maintenance for direnction of T strainer
-Location of drain point of stainer for full drain
-ensure the specification of material with line class
-confirm bill of materials with line class
-confirm bill of material with drawing
-state the BOM of special item
-Bill of materials for Bolt and Nuts gasket on equipment nozzle
-scope of supply for bolt and nuts for instrument items
-Type small valve with flangeed w/nipple for heat treatment systems
-Bolt length with flange thickness materials
-special bend for jacket line above 12"
-design half cutting pipe and fitting for jacket.

Itulah tadi 4 buah pandangan mengenai isometric drawings check list dan kita bisa lihat sendiri mana yang sama dan mana yang berbeda. Tapi yang perlu diingat adalah aturan perusahaan lah dimana kita bekerja yang harus kita ikuti walaupun apa yang dibuat sangat berbeda saat dimana kita bekerja sebelumnya.
Dan apa yang saya uraikan diatas mengenai isometric check list, ada lah yang saat ini berlaku di masing-masing company.
Dan bila ada kesamaan berarti itu adalah check list berdasarkan standard piping yang berlaku dan bila ada perbedaan anggap saja sebagai kemauan perusahaan untuk menerapkan hal-hal yang lebih baik dalam pengecekan drawing.

KL, 8 Agustus 2011, at 11.15 PM

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Actually I have already issued the check list of Isometric drawings but may be this info as per your reference during check list th isometric drawings and General Arrangement Drawings.
Every Company may be have different style to make the check list of drawings. But I thick for us is followed only for which is the best to check list and We already joint on that company I suggest we used the standard check list from company.
This nfo of check list I got from internet and I forgot where I got this information.

• Title Block.

• North Arrow Orientation.

• Matchline Continuation.

• Line Continuation.

• Equipment Location To Grid.

• Equipment Nozzle Details (No., Size & Rating).

• Pipeline Location To Grid/Equipment. By Piping Or Valves).

• Structural Penetrations.

• Locations Of Item.

• Pipeline Elevations Shown.

• Dimensional Completion.

• Valve Orientation. (is enough space provided for:)

• Electrical And Instrument Cable Trays And Junction Boxes.

• Erection Of Equipment.

• Tube Bundles.

• Maintenance Space (Including Choke And Safety Valves).

• Equipment Removal.

• Operating Space.

• Manway Clearance.

• Davit Dropping.

• Overhead Clearance.

• Future Installation Area.

• Ducting And H.V.A.C. Equipment.

• Platforms And Walkways (I.E. Not Blocked By Piping Or Valves)

• Do Drawing Comply With Piping & Instrument Diagrams And Line List

• Direction Of Flow And Flow Arrows.

• Valve And Specialities In Each Line.

• Instrument Conn's In Lines And Equipment.

• Steam/Electric Tracing.

• Insulation.

• Equipment Numbers And Titles.

• Completeness Of Lines.

• Pipeline Numbers.

• Instrument Tag Numbers.

• Valve Tag Numbers.

• Vapour And Gas Lines Without Pockets.

• No Inverted Pocket In Suction Line


· Title block.

· North arrow orientation.

· Line continuation - Iso index.

· Matching isometrics and elevation.

· Equipment location to grid.

· Equipment terminal details.

· Location to grid/equipment.

· Structural penetrations.

· Locations of item .

· Line content.

· Flow arrow.

· Pipeline number and elevations.

· Fabrication type.

· Dimensional completion.

· Valve orientation.

· Fabrication limits.

· Field weld locations.

· Make-up weld locations.

· Cut to fit dimensions.

· Spool number sequence.

· Pipe support locations.

· Hydrotest requirements.

· Flushing requirements.

· Insulation limits.

· Heat tracing limits.

· Piping bills of materials completeness.

· Piping insulation materials completeness.

· Specials list completeness.

· Assemblies list completeness.

· Tagged item list completeness.

· Fabrication requirements completeness.


Valves are best installed with the stem pointing staright-up (Vertical stem). Since this position greatly facilitates in-place maintenance (lubrication, inspection & repacking)

Valves may be rotated as far as the horizontal position with no great decrease in maintenance convenience. But should not be installed with the stem downward since the bonnet acts as a trap for acrasive sediment and water wich may freeze under extreme climatic conditions.

Safety (operation & maintenance ) requires that valves be placed over platforms, rather than adjacent to them. Valves can be placed over access area if they comply with horizontal stem limitations and area bove 2100 min head clearance.

KL Chow Kit,  4 August 2011 time : 5.55 AM.


This post provides guidance for designing test vents and drains for piping systems subject to hydrostatic testing. Pneumatically tested systems do not require venting and draining for testing.
Test vents and drains are required only when the high and low points in the section of the line to be tested are not free venting and draining. The number of test vents and drains shall be minimized. They are to be provided only if there is no other means of venting and draining the line, such as process vents and drains or appropriate instrument connections.

Test vents are not required for lines 1 ½” and smaller. Test drains are required on all lines. Valves are normally not required.

Test vents and drains shall be installed at the piping high and low points respectively. The branch shall be as short as possible. The branch shall be braced if bracing is called in standard support drawing. Vents and drains shall be closed with a blind flange or a threaded cap/plug as provided in the relevant piping class.

Normally size of test vents and drains shall be:

- ½” for line size up to 14”
- 1 ½” for line size 16” and larger.

But it will be vary depends on the fluid, project and client.

Drain point location shall allow sufficient space underneath for temporary installation of draining facility to discharge testing liquid.

This guide states the minimum requirements to be met when developing piping design.

Preparation for Piping Testing

All joints in a test section shall be accessible during tests and shall not be painted, insulated, backfilled or otherwise covered until satisfactory completion of testing in accordance with this specification.

All vents and other connections which can serve as vents shall be open during filling so that all air is vented prior to applying test pressure to the system.Test vents shall be installed at high points.

Equipment which is not to be subjected to pressure test shall be either disconnected from the piping or blocked off during the test.Safety valve sand control valves shall not be included in site pressure testing.

Temporary spades and blanks installed for testing purposes shall be designed to withstand the test pressure without distortion.Presence of spades shall be clearly visible during testing.

All control valves shall be removed or replaced with temporary spools or
blinded off during pressure testing.

Check valves shall have the flap or piston removed for testing, where pressure can not be located on the upstream side of the valve.The locking device of the flap pivot pin shall be reinstated together with the flap and anew cover gasket shall be installed after completion of the test.

Spring supports shall be restrained or removed and expansion bellows
removed during hydrostatic testing.

Drain points for fluid disposal after testing, shall be provided.
Care shall be taken to avoid overloading any parts of the supporting
structures during hydrostatic testing.

Piping which is spring or counterweight supported shall be blocked up temporarily to a degree sufficient to sustain the weight of the test medium.Holding pins shall not be removed from spring supports until testing is completed and the system is drained.

Pressure in the system shall be introduced gradually until the pressure is the lesser of one-half of the test pressure or 170 kPa gauge.Maintain pressure for 10 minutes and then gradually increase pressure in steps of one tenth of the test pressure until the test pressure is attained.

Posted by: ANTONY in Design guidelines, Learn Piping, Piping Design system, Piping Questions, Piping Tips

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


A piping system shall be adequately supported and restrained to prevent line overstress, equipment nozzle overload, excessive bending of flange joints, excessive pipe sagging, high vibration, excessive deflection / movement, etc.

The purpose of this guideline is to simplify and standardise the approach to pipe support design and selection for common support applications with the aim to improve quality, efficiency and productivity. The document shall be read in conjunction with the office standard pipe support drawings and the office piping stress analysis guide.

Pipe Support Identification Tagging:
Each pipe support standard detail drawing contains a legend for support identification tagging
applicable to the supports in the drawing.

Normally all the supports, covers under Standard Piping supports will be STD Pipe Supports.
If the supports needs modification or above the STD pipe support range (e.g. max length, height, pipe range) then it should be considered as Special Pipe Support (SPS).

All SPS as designed and checked by Civil discipline.

Pipe Support Register:
Standard pipe supports, project specific pipe supports and temporary pipe supports will be listed in the project pipe support index drawing. Special pipe supports and temporary support frames are part of the Structural design and will be listed in the Structural discipline project deliverables.

Piping Fabrication Isometrics:
The Material section of the piping fabrication isometric will call up all standard pipe supports. The following information will be included:

· Pipe support identification tag and description / nominal pipe size / quantity
· Pipe support components that are welded to pipe, such as welded shoes and Trunnions, will be shown under “Fabrication Materials”.
· Pipe support components that are field fitted, such as U-bolts, guides, line stops, will be shown under “Erection Materials”.
· The Drawing section of the fabrication piping isometric will show all the above pipe supports and will also reference structural SPecial Supports (SPS).
· Pipe support position will be dimensioned on the isometric drawing. This position corresponds to the location point indicated on the pipe support detail drawing.
· Also shown in the Drawing section of the isometric will be clarification notes, such as “no gaps”, nonstandard gaps and support orientation if required.

Other Supports:
Use of spring hangers, snubbers and other such devices shall be specified by Stress Engineer. The project pipe support register will contain all design information required for procurement of these items.

Supports for extreme conditions, such as for very low operating temperature or acoustic vibration, shall be engineered, designed and procured from a reliable supplier.

These supports shall be designed for and installed in accordance with the Supplier’s instructions.

Small Bore Brace:
Small bore brace is typically used to protect a small size branch from damage.

Branch lines in sizes 2” and below are considered small bore and prone to fatigue failures in vibrating piping systems. They are also prone to mechanical damaged by an external force. The failure is usually at the branch weld to the main line or weldolet. Small bore branches are normally braced for that reason. Bracing shall be to the branch flange in preference to the branch pipe. Nipoflanges shall be used in preference to weldolets.

Small bore brace will not be required on small branches when:
· The branch is continuous and supported and there is no valve within the first span;
· Standard tees are used;
· The piping is used for utility services.

For carbon and stainless steel piping welded shoes shall be used instead of clamped shoes where the temperature limit for clamped shoes has been exceed or where specified / approved by Stress Engineer for strength purposes.

Welded shoes shall not be used on lined piping, piping in expensive material, piping PWHT before shoe installation and piping galvanized before shoe welding.

Long length shoes shall be used where specified by Stress Engineer, a line stop is required or
there is an excessive support movement in longitudinal direction.

On insulated lines the standard shoe height of 100mm can be increased to up to 150mm where the insulation thickness is greater than 75mm. If required, shoes higher than 150mm will be designed by the stress engineer.

Pipe shoes shall be installed centrally on the support steel unless noted otherwise on the piping fabrication isometric.

When the design requires a continuously sloping line, this shall be achieved with the use of variable height shoes in combinations with adjustments of supporting steelwork.

Lines having a design temperature above 120°C shall be supported on shoes because of the
temperature limitations of PTFE isolation pads used with uninsulated lines.

Lines having a design temperature below minus 29°C shall be supported on shoes to avoid cold temperature embritellment of the supporting structural steel.

Use of trunnion supports will be minimised and approved by Stress Engineer.
Trunnion supports on elbows will be avoided, particularly when a reinforcing pad is required. The use of the trunnion on an elbow with a reinforcing pad shall be approved by the Lead Piping Engineer.

Guides and Line Stops:
Guides and line stops will be installed with the installation tolerance gap of maximum 3mm
on each side of the support unless noted otherwise on the isometric.

Hold down guides shall only be used when specified by Stress Engineer. Using these guides for guiding vertical pipes is not preferred.
Alternative line stops of high load capacity shall only be used when approved by Stress Engineer.


A U-bolt shall be installed in such a way that the dead weight of the piping is supported by the
structure and not the U-bolt itself.

U-bolts can be used on both horizontal and vertical lines.

Isolation Pads:
Isolation pad (PD-01) made of PTFE is used to support the line and reduce the risk of fretting
corrosion to the underside of the pipe. Isolation pads shall be bonded directly to the structural steel. Bonding / fixing of the isolation pad to the structural steel shall be suitable for the required service life of the support.

Pipe shoes shall be used instead of isolation pads if the temperature limit of the pad bonding
adhesive or material has been exceeded.

Isolation pads are not required under shoes, trunnions, reinforcing pads and on the facings of guides and line stops.

Reinforcing Pads:
Reinforcing pads are typically used to reduce stress level in the pipe wall from welded attachment or high bearing load. They can also be used to protect pipe wall from external corrosion.

Support Span:
Piping will be subject to internal and external loads during topside transportation and installation, environmental loads and operating and transient process loads. Piping movement shall be restrained on all three orthogonal directions allowing sufficient flexibility for thermal expansion and other imposed deflections, such as bridge and wellhead movements.

Small size piping in 2” and below shall be restrained with U-bolts wherever possible. Larger piping shall use guides and line stops with guides installed on every second support on a straight run.

Welded Attachments:
Non-pressure retaining pipe attachments that are enclosed, such as reinforcing pads and trunnions, shall have a vent/test hole to release the gas build up during welding and to provide an inspection point for any pipe leak. The hole shall be tapped with an NPT thread to allow low pressure pneumatic testing after welding.

Special Applications:
Control valve sets will typically be anchored with a line stop and hold-down guide on one side and guided on the other side.

Pig traps will typically be anchored with a line stop and hold-down guide at the pipeline end and guided at the closure end.

Manifolds will typically have guides at each end and a centrally located line stop.
Drain systems with rodding points shall be supported in such a way to withstand rodding loads.

The free pipe ends on Utility Stations shall be securely fixed. That may be accomplished with U-bolts either as guides or anchors.

For piping supported from a pressure vessel the pipe support details and loads will be issued to the Mechanical discipline for incorporation in the pressure vessel design by the vessel supplier.

Material for pipe supports can be generally divided into three categories:
1. Welded attachments to piping. The attachments shall be of the same material grade as the
run pipe.
2. Pipe supports or pipe support parts not welded to piping. ASTM A36 or equivalent material can be used unless noted otherwise.
3. Structural pipe supports. Frames fabricated from ASTM A36 or equivalent structural steel
sections and plates.


Saya disini mencoba untuk share mengenai transportasi lain selain Bus menuju ke kuala Lumpur dari LCCT "Air Asia Home Stay" atau sebaliknya.

Bagi kita penikmat layanan Air Asia sangat lah tidak heran dengan nama LCCT. Yach di sana adalah bandara untuk Home Base Air Asia di Kuala Lumpur. Dan kalau kita menuju ke Kuala Lumpur kita sering gunakan taxi Limo atau Bus. Dan biasanya jarak tempuh ke Kuala Lumpur bila kita menaiki Bus karena tarif taxi limo cukup mahal bila dibandingkan dengan menaiki Bus..Tapi itulah jarak tempuh antara LCCT ke KL sekitar 75 menit dan bisa lebih bila kondisi jalan sedang macet karena jam sibuk pulang kantor.

Sebenarnya saya biasa menggunakan sarana bus untuk menuju ke Kuala Lumpur dan harga tiketnya pun RM 9 bila naik Sky bus tapi kalau naik bus biasa harga tiketnya RM 8. Tapi kalau mau beli tiket Sky Bus murah yach pesannya via online sewaktu memesan tiket pesawat.

Tiket Bus  and Train
Nah saya mau cerita sekarang mengenai alternative lain selain Bus ke Kuala Lumpur dari LCCT. alternative lain adalah dengan menggunakan Kereta Api atau istilahnya Rapid KL. Tapi itulah harga tiketnya lebih mahal dikit dari tiket Bus yaitu RM 12.5 bila kita turun di KL sentral tapi bila turun di bandar tasik selatan harganya RM 10.8 . Kalau perbandingan mengenai harga Bus yang lebih murah tapi kalau bicara ketepatan waktu yach naik kereta api.

Untuk menaiki kereta api, kalau dipikir-pikir naik dari bandara LCCT tidak ada statiun kereta api ataupun rel kereta api seperti halnya di Airport sebelahnya yaitu KLIA. Dimana di KLIA ada statiun kereta api. Nah untuk mensiasati agar tidak terjadi perbedaan pelayanan bandara makanya diadakan juga transportasi dengan menggunakan Train dari LCCT ke Kuala Lumpur.

Suasana di dalam Bus

Station Salak Tinggi
Bila kita ingin menaiki kereta api, harganya tergantung tujuannya. yang paling mahal yaitu RM 12.50 menuju ke KL Sentral tapi kalau kita bawa anak2 dibawah usia 12 tahun biaya untuk anak2 RM 6. Tapi berhubung di LCCT tidak ada statiun kereta api ataupun rel. maka disiasati menggunakan system Transit istilahnya "KLIA Transit". Dimana kalau kita naik dari Bandara LCCT , kita naik bus dahulu trus turun di Statiun Salak Tinggi dan kemudian naik kereta api menuju ke KL Sentral. Jarak Tempuh sekitar 1 jam. dimana dengan rincian naik bus dari LCCT ke Salak Tinggi estimati waktu 20 menit dan Salak Tinggi ke KL Sentral estimati waktu 30 menit. dan waktu tunggu kereta api estimati 10 menit jadi total sekitar 1 jam. Tapi bila kita berangkat dari KL Sentral ke LCCT waktu hanya sekitar 50 menit karena tak ada waktu tunggu kereta api.
Untuk keberangkatan dari LCCT ke KL Sentral adalah setiap 30 menit. Jadi Bus Transit walau berisi hanya 10 orang busnya tetap berangkat menuju ke Salak Tinggi. Istilahnya penumpang lebih diutamakan lah.


Kereta Api yang digunakan
Untuk menggunakan kereta api ini , saat kita tiba dari Indonesia atau dari mana saja, untuk mencari lokasi dimana bus transit ini berada lokasinya tidak jauh dari Sky Bus. Tapi posisi pastinya berada di depan Terminal Keberangkatan untuk Domestik. Dan bila kita dari Indonesia khan turunnya di International Airport jadi bila kita menuju ke Sky Bus pasti deh melewati Bus Plusliner ini. Atau tanya-tanya saja kalau mau naik kereta api dimana station bus nya.
Dan untuk menaiki bus + kereta api , kita hanya membayar RM 12.5 dan anak2 hanya RM 6. Petugas Tiketnya biasanya duduk di kursi di sebelah bus sebelum kita naik. Dan bilang saja ke dia kalau kita mau ke KL Sentral atau Bandar Tasik Selatan. Dan bila anda tinggal di daerah ChowKit ,Mesjid jami , atau daerah yang di lalui LRT. ada baiknya Turun di Station Bandar Tasik Selatan dan naik LRT dari sana menuju ke Chow Kit misalnya. Dan tarif nya bila ke Bandar Tasik Selatan hanya RM 10.8 sahaja. Disamping LRT juga ada Kometer dan juga Bus menuju ke luar Kuala Lumpur. Karena Bandar Tasik Selatan ini merupakan Statiun Terbesar di Kuala Lumpur.

Oke kita balik lagi ke cerita awal. Setelah kita membeli tiket, kita akan diberi 2 buah tiket. yang satu tiket untuk naik bus dan satu lagi tiket untuk naik kereta api. Setelah membeli tiket kita naik ke Bus dan setiap 30 menit bus nya berjalan menuju ke Station Salak Tinggi. Setelah 30 menit menunggu akhirnya bus berangkat menuju ke statiun salak tinggi dan jarak tempuhnya sekitar 20 - 25 menit dan diusahakan 20 menit sudah sampai di statiun agar penumpang bisa langsung naik ke Kereta Api.

Bus yang digunakan untuk Transit
 Setelah melakukan perjalanan selama 20 menit tibalah di statiun salak tinggi dan kita turun dari bus dan masuk ke statiun Salak Tinggi dan setelah itu kita menunggu kereta lewat. Dan tak kurang 10 menit kita menunggu datanglah kereta api yang akan membawa kita ke kuala lumpur. Dan jangan khawatir tersasar atau bingung di dalam statiun , semua petunjuk yang ada di statiun cukup lengkap. Statiun nya kecil dan jangan disamakan dengan statiun Gambir. Yach beda jauh deh..Dan selama di dalam statiun , kita akan diberikan petunjuk-petunjuk dari pengeras suara untuk mempermudah kita memahami apa yang berlaku di sana.

Setelah kita menunggu kereta api tiba , kita naik ke kereta dengan menekan tombol berwarna merah yang ada di depan pintu kereta api. dan usahakan kita cepat naik karena waktu untuk stop kereta api hanya berkisar 1 menit saja.

Sebagai info saja kalau Kereta Api ini ada 2 buah type. Type pertama yaitu KLIA Express yaitu kereta api yang tanpa henti dengan tujuan KLIA Airport to KL Central dan KLIA Transit yaitu kereta api yang selalu berhenti di setiap station. Nah yang kita naiki ini adalah KLIA Transit.

Setelah kita menaiki kereta api , kita pilih saja tempat duduknya dan tentunya di dalam kereta api ini sangat nyaman dan nikmat. dan kereta api transit ini berhenti di statiun Putra Jaya , Statiun Bandar Tasik Selatan dan Terakhir Berhenti di Statiun KL Central. Tak kurang 30 menit kereta telah tiba di statiun KL Sentral.

Dan setelah kita tiba di Statiun KL Central , tentunya kita tahu kemana arah tujuan kita. Karena bila kita naik Sky Bus pun berhenti di Statiun KL Central juga.

Saran saya, bila kita ingin memilih transportasi dari atau ke LCCT ada baiknya mencoba Alternative ini karena disamping nyaman juga tepat waktu dan saya sudah 3 kali menggunakan KLIA Transit ini. Dan ini pun karena saya baru tahu kalau ada alternatif lain menuju ke LCCT dari KL Central. Memang harga mahal selisi 3 ringgit bila kita naik sky bus. Untuk ketepatan waktu , Insya Allah dengan menggunakan kereta api juntru lebih tepat. Dan untuk menghindari jalan macet bila akan memasuki Kuala Lumpur atau sebaliknya.

 Untuk info lebih lanjut , silahkan buka website KLIA Transit di   www.kliaekspres.com


KL Chow Kit , 2 Agustus 2011 at 06.55 AM.