Thursday, September 30, 2010


My name is Iwan Agung Dwi Saputra, I am 39 years old. Indonesia, have one wife and two boys.  I live in Indonesia. Do you thick I am to old to write on blogger?
If you say Yes.. I am sorry to tell you that I am still going on to write in my blog for increase my knowledge and share you all about everything that I got in live.

Some you may be already see my curriculum vitae in this blog that I posted before. Hopefully there are Company would like to used me as an employee on their Company.. Hopefully in your can recommend me to your Company or your friends.

Now I would like to say in Bahasa about my live ..I f you from outside Indonesia , you can used google translete in www.google.com

Tentang Hidup Saya :
Saya lahir di Plaju, 39 tahun yang lalu. saya besar dan kuliah di Palembang. Saya bersekolah dasar di SD Yaktapena I Plaju (1978-1984) , dan masuk ke SMP Negeri 15 Palembang (1984-1987) dan saya masuk SMA Yaktapena I Plaju dan kelas dua ambil jurusan A1 (1987 - 1990) dan setelah lulus SMA , saya masuk ke Perguruan Tinggi tahun 1990 di Jurusan Teknik Mesin Fakultas Teknik Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang.
Dan tamat dan Wisuda tanggal 29 February 1996 ditahun kabisat. Setelah tamat kuliah saya bekerja dari April 1996 sampe sekarang di beberapa buah perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia sampe sekarang

Tentang Kehidupan Percintaan Saya,
Saya pertama kali pacaran ketika SMP kelas III, tapi kalau suka sama cewek dari SD kelas 6. Banyak yang bilang saya playboy tapi saya ketawa aja..karena pacar-pacar saya bisa dihitung dengan jari.. Karena saya pun nggak berani ngatakan cinta sama cewek yang saya sukai karena takut ditolak. Karena saya punya banya pengalaman ditolak sama cewek.
Saya punya prinsip kalau punya pacar harus cantik dan manis dan mirip artis. tapi kalau istri cantik dan menurut saya, cantik agamanya, tapi kalau cantik muka itu relatif (baca kutemukan istriu di malam Nisfu Sa'ban).
Saya mulai pacaran SMA kelas 1 dan maaf saya tak mungkin menyebutkan nama pacar saya sekarang takut marah dia bila dia membaca mengenai ini. Tapi dia tinggal di Depan Patra Jaya Plaju, dan anak SMA 8 Palembang. Tapi awal pendekatan ke dia yach dari sejak SMP kelas II. Setelah putus sama pacar pertama saya, dan dapat pacar lagi dan ini anak masih SMP kelas III dan saya waktu itu kelas II SMA. setelah putus dengan cewek ke dua saya, saya pun berusaha mendekati gadis-gadis teman SMA saya baik itu teman sekelas tapi tetap nggak dapat juga he..he..he... dan kuliah pun saya berusaha mendekati cewek adik tingkat dari Teknik Kimia tapi nyatanya tidak dapat juga..Hingga tamat kuliah saya nggak punya cewek dan ketika masuk kerja di Bontang, saya dekat dengan cewek lagi.. Dan dia ini anak tetangga dimana dekat rumah Wak saya di HOP III Bontang. jadi ketika kuliah aku punya pacar sebanyak 2 orang, tapi yang terakhir anak baru tamat SMA dan kuliah di Jogja..Ya itulah namanya pacaran sama anak SMA , akhirnya putus karena dia ternyata dalat yang lain di sana. Jadi pacar saya ada 5 orang dan yang terakhir saya jadikan istri.
Dan tahun 1999 saya menikah dengan istri saya sekarang, dan dikaruniahi 2 orang anak laki-laki.
Tentang Hobby Saya,
 Hobby saya adalah main Bulu tangkis, Main Volly, main tenis meja, main tenis lapangan. Nonton bola juga saya hobby tapi saya nggak pandai main bola. Kesebelasan Kesukaan saya untuk klub luar yach Manchester United, Kalau Negara nya Indonesia dan Inggris, kalau klub lokal yaitu PSPS dan Sriwijaya FC.
Kalau hobby lain , saya hobby nyanyi dan suka karaoke dan juga saya hobby photografy..saya suka photo-photo obyek yang menurut saya bagus. Dan kadang saya diminta juga untuk jadi tukang photo di kegatan-kegiatan di tempat tinggal saya.
kalau lagu yang biasa saya nyanyikan adalah : lagi Kahtna, Dewa, Once, Slank, Kerispatih, Peter Pan, Ada Band.. Tapi sekarang ini saya lebh suka bawain lagunya Kerispatih..Karena menurut hemat saya vokal saya cukup pas dengan si sammy. Tapi vocalist yang Kerispatih sekarang kayaknya kurang bisa menyesuaikan dengan vokalist yang terdahulu. Memang kuakui vocal dan improvisasi Sammy sangat baik.

Tentang Pekerjaan saya,
Saya punya pengalaman kerja hampir 14 tahun, baik di bidang Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Oil Palm Plantation and Factory ataupun Rubber Factory. Tapi walaupun beda-beda pekerjaan dan posisi tapi saya lihat semua yang dikerjakan sama yang berbeda adalah system kerja dan spec yang dipakai.
Saya bekerja di Lingkungan Project LNG selama hampir 3 tahun dan sudah cukup paham dengan apa yang ada di dalam sebuah LNG Plant. dan semua ilmu yang saya dapatkan ketika saya bekerja di dalam lingkungan PT. Bada NGL Co. Bontang..
Adapun perusahaan dimana saya bergabung selama saya bekerja di Lingkungan PT. Badak NGL Co Bontang :
1. PT. Citra Panji Manunggal (PT. CPM) anak perusahaan Medco Energy, sbenarnya mereka ini specialisasinya ke pipeline project tapi waktu itu kayaknya dapat project Maintenance. Saya bekerja dari April 1996 - December 1996 sebagai Scheduller ..

2. PT. Summa Prakarsa Coorporation (Supraco), man power supply untuk project Train G , tapi pada sadarnya kami diperbantukan di Facilities Engineering Technical Department, sebagai Mechanical Engineer (Piping & Static ). Saya bekerja dari April 1997 - Maret 1998. Tugas saya membuat Piping Plan Layout, Isometric Layout, Equipment Layout, Bill of Materials, masuk vesel keluar vesel pada saat shutdown Train.
Yang sering saya masukin adalah vesel 1- C - 2 dan 1 - C - 5 dan sering saya  naik adalah di 5-E-1, kalau yang lainnya hanya via visual saja..

3.  PT. Summa Prakarsa Coorporation (Supraco), man power supply untuk project Train G , tapi pada sadarnya kami diperbantukan di Facilities Engineering Technical Department, sebagai Mechanical Engineer (Piping & Static ). Saya bekerja dari Oktober 1998 - Oktober 1999. Tugas saya membuat Piping Plan Layout, Isometric Layout, Equipment Layout, Bill of Materials, masuk vesel keluar vesel pada saat shutdown Train. Sama seperti halnya dengan sewaktu kerja di PT. Supraco.. Istilahnya ganti bendera doang tapi tugasnya sama dan lokasi kerjanya sama.

Setelah sekitar hampir 3 tahun saya bekerja di Bontang, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk keluar dari Bontang dan mencari pekerjaan di Riau dimana istriku tinggal. Tapi itulah suatu keputusan yang sangat fatal bagi karier hidup saya dimana saya ada kesempatan untuk bekerja di PT. Badak NGL Co. sebagai Mechanical Engineer tapi watu itu emosi saya nggak stabil dan pengen dekat dengan istri saya. kebetulan waktu itu kami baru menikah. Itulah emosi sesaat dimana kalau saya tunggu aja hasil pengumuman dari PT. Badak NGL Co, tentunya kehidupan saya nggak seperti sekarang ini. Tapi sudahlah semua sudah terjadi dan tak akan terulang lagi. Walau sedih kurasakan tapi aku harus ambil sikap agar dekat keluarga.

Setelah Keluar dari Bontang Kalimantan, saya pun dapat kerja di Riau. Dimana saya mendapat kerja di PT. Pec- Tech Indonesia sebagai Mechanical Engineer dan saya bekerja dari Maret 2000 - Juni 2001.
Kerja saya mendesign monorail, mendesign casing untuk motor, mengurusi document-document project, megawasi pekerjaan lapangan, berkoordinasi dengan vendor . Waktu itu projectnya adalah Upgrade Pulp Machine 1 dan 2 serta pembangunan Pulp Machine 3 di lingkungan PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper.
Di perusahaan ini banyak sekali orang India entah dari mana saja. mereka masuk dan bekerja sebagai atasan
Saya pernah hampir mati sewaktu bekerja di sini dimana ceritanya sewaktu itu, saya sedang mengawasi pekerjaan di dalam cerobong untuk Pulp Dryer dengan pekerja sebanyak 3 orang dari PT. Truba Jurong Engineering sewaktu shutdown plant. Untunglah kami mendengar ada suara mechine dihidupkan jadi seketika kami berlari menuju manhole yang ada di atas dan untuk manhole nya cukup besar sehingga badan kami bisa menyangkut di manhole. Kalau tidak menyangkut mungkin tubuh kami sudah disedot ke dalam machne pengering pulp tersebut. Kami pun berteriak-teriak agar machin tersebut di hentikan.
Syukur Alhamdullillah , Allah masih menyelamatkan diri kami. Tapi yang buat saya jengkel bos kami yang kulkarni namanya pura-pura menganggap itu tak terjadi apa-apa. dan cuek aja dan tidak merasa bersalah atas kejadian tersebut.

Setelah saya meninggalkan PT Pec Tech Indonesia Pangkalan Kerinci, akhirnya saya berlabuh di salah satu perusahaan perkebunan yang ada di Medan. Namanya PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia yang merupakan group dari SIPEF Belgia. Dan Perusahaan ini mempunyai 25 anak perusahaan yang ada di seluruh Indonesia, yaitu di Sumatera Utara, Bengkulu, Jawa Barat, Sumatra Selatan. Posisi saya Assistant Technik / Mill Assistant. Dimana pekerjaannya sebagai supervisor untuk pengwasan pekerjaan di lapangan atau di pabrik.
Untuk pertama kalinya saya ditempatkan di Muko-Muko Bengkulu.
1. PT. Agro Muko Crumb Rubber Factory,   (January 2002 - Maret 2003)   
2.  PT. Simpang Kiri Plantation Indonesia (Maret 2003 - April 2004)
3. PT. Bandar Sumatra Indonesia (April 2004 - June 2005)
4. PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia "REHABILITATION AND RECONSTRUCTION ACEH" (June 2005 - Sept 2005)

Banyak hal yang menarik yang mau saya ceritakan sewaktu bekerja di Tolan Tiga Indonesia, tapi kayaknya terlalu banyak jadi singkat cerita, saya resign dari PT. Tolan Tiga Indonesia karena saya tidak puas dengan apa yang saya dapat di sana yaitu komitmen. Karena sewaktu saya di tempatkan di Banda Aceh, saya dijanjikan aan mendapatkan uang makan perhari Rp. 80 ribu karena saya mandah di sana, dan mendapatan uang sewa rumah dan mendapatkan uang transport. Tapi apa yang saya dapat trnyata uang makan saya dikasih sekitar 300 ribu/bulan, uang transport 500 ribu/bulan dan uang sewa rumah 500 ribu perbulan. Dan ditengah kondisi waktu itu 6 bulan setelah terjadinya Tsunami Aceh.. Dan ditengah kondisi masih ada gempa, panas dan angn kencang..dan harga-harga makan cukup mahal dimana 1 hari saya bisa kena 40 ribu/hari.
Untuk mengirit pengeluaran saya setdak-tidaknya makan indomie goreng hampir setiap makam dan berjalan kaki ke setiap lokasi  proyek di Lampo Daya dan Punge Jurong.  Makanya dengan kodisi yang seperti itu dan tidak adanya kebijaksanaan dari Perusahaan Tolan Tiga Indonesia. Saya memutuskan untuk mencari pekerjaan lain. Saya kurang suka dengan orang yang tidak bisa menjaga komitmennya Dan saya pun berusaha untuk menjaga komitmen saya. Tapi karena tidak adana komitmen dari perusahaan akhirnya saya mencari pekerjaan lain di luar Banda Aceh, baik itu menghubungi teman-teman saya atau melalui internet.
Singkat cerita akhirnya saya dapat pekerjaan di Duri Riau dimana lokasinya dekat dengan tempat tinggal keluarga saya di Pekanbaru.
September 2005 awal mula saya bekerja di PT. TRIPATRA FLOUR CONSORTIUM Duri untuk Project Flexible Program Management di PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri.
Saya disini ditempatkan di Engineering Department - awal masuk sebagai Design Engineer - Piping  dan Terakhir sebagai Senior Design Engineer - Piping & Mechanical. Saya bekerja di sini dari September 2005 - Mei 2009 dan pekerjaannya adalah membuat scope of work piping, estimate manhours, mambuat deliverable list, piping layout, equipment layout and section, isometric layout, bill of materials dan lain-lain yang hubungan dengan pekerjaan saya.

Saat ini saya masih bekerja di salah satu Perusahaan Engineering Consultant di Duri Riau..Areal kerja di Dalam Lingkungan Complek PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia, tugasnya sebagai engineering consultant untuk project yang berhubungan dengan Tanki dan Pipa. Posisi Saya Senior Mechanical Engineer disamping pekerjaan Mechanical juga mengerjakan pekerjaan Piping. Tapi sebenarnya experences saya banyak di Piping Design Engineering tapi berhubung yang dapat posisi tersebut jadi mau tak mau diambil juga dan setidak-tidaknya dapat menambah ilmu mengenai mechanical.
Tapi sebentar lagi kontrak saya berakhir dan saya harus mencari pekerjaan baru lagi dan mau nya yang sesuai dengan bidang saya Piping Design tapi bila nggak ada juga , apapun pekerjaannya yang penting halal dan cocok gaji yang ditawarkan. Tolong bantuannya untuk mencarikan pekerjaan sebagai Senior Piping Engineer. ....

Duri, 30 September 2010.... Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I would like to follow the exam of API 570 (Piping Inspector) for this December 2010.. I have already registered to API representative in Indonesia . The Company is Oil Institut  the website is http://www.oilinstitut.com/.  You can search the website and contact them if  you like to get API 570 Inspector.
And you can find there  how much the cost and others and also the guide ways for getting the API 570 exam.

Actually I have already followed the preparation couse of API 570 in Oil Institut Batam on January 2010, Because the price is very chief so I just followed the Training only , may be If I have some of money, I will get the API 570 Exam. Actually the exam of API 570 for years of 2010 is  on 2  Juni 2010, 22 September 2010 and 1 December 2010. I saw the calender from API that I got on the training.
I have a plan to follow the exam on June 2010, but I still do not have a money yet, So I can not follow the exam on June 2010. So I plan to next Septemnber 2010, And I hve sme problem , Do not have money. I can't followed API 570 exam on Sepetember 2010. Now I have a plan to follow the API 570 exam on December 2010 and I have already register. the truth is I do not have money to follow the exam, but my feeling is strong and say" I should follow the exam on Decembr 2010.
Thank's God..., I have a friend that would like to borrow me the money..the Exam price is USD 950. to follow the exam in Indonesia.
I have already booked the chair of API 570 Exam. But the problem the range time from January 2010 to December 2010 is 10 months. and I was forgot the information from the lecturer of The API 570 preparation course. And I shoud pass the exam because I shoud sent it back the money to my friend.

So I would like to study of API 570 (Piping Inspector) Exam and Pass it. Because  heard that the man who will pass the exam, the answerd  shoud be have 80.
So I should study hard because I have only 2 months to study and read to help me to pass the exam.

As per my posted before about the materials that shoud read on  API 570 preparation course.

Tomorrow , I would like to see the standard of API 570 first  before and we study together for the preparation. Nw bac to work

If you wanna joint to to the  forum, please send me email  piping_engineer88@yahoo.com
and we can study together

Duri, 28 September 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Here I enclosed the International standard of the valve that are using in the piping system. The valves selection is on the Client Spec. This information , I got when I seaching in http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/.
And In that website you can get many information about the piping system and others.

This International Standard are API, DIN, ISO, ASME, ASTM, BS, GB, JB. Most of standards is from USA, Japan, British, Germany. If you confused you can dowload more in http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/

Here the list of the Valve International base on the International Standards,
API - Valve Standards

An overview of the American Petroleum Institute - API - valve standards

Valve standards from API - the American Petroleum Institute:


Specification for Pipeline Valves. API Specification 6D is an adoption of ISO 14313: 1999, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Pipeline Transportation Systems-Pipeline Valves. This International Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of ball, check, gate and plug valves for application in pipeline systems.

• API 526

Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves. The standard is a purchase specification for flanged steel pressure relief valves. Basic requirements are given for direct spring-loaded pressure relief valves and pilot-operated pressure relief valves as follows: orifice designation and area; valve size and pressure rating, inlet and outlet; materials; pressure-temperature limits; and center-to-face dimensions, inlet and outlet.

• API 527

Seat Tightness of Pressure Relief Valves R(2002). Describes methods of determining the seat tightness of metal- and soft-seated pressure relief valves, including those of conventional, bellows, and pilot-operated designs.


Check Valves: Flanged, Lug, Wafer and Butt-welding. API Standard 594 covers design, material, face-to-face dimensions, pressure-temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for two types of check valves.

• API 598

Valve Inspection and Testing. The standard covers inspection, supplementary examination, and pressure test requirements for both resilient-seated and metal-to-metal seated gate, globe, plug, ball, check, and butterfly valves. Pertains to inspection by the purchaser and to any supplementary examinations the purchaser may require at the valve manufacturer's plant.

• ANSI/API 599

Metal Plug Valves - Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends. A purchase specification that covers requirements for metal plug valves with flanged or butt-welding ends, and ductile iron plug valves with flanged ends, in sizes NPS 1 through NPS 24, which correspond to nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M. Valve bodies conforming to ASME B16.34 may have flanged end and one butt-welding end. It also covers both lubricated and nonlubricated valves that have two-way coaxial ports, and includes requirements for valves fitted with internal body, plug, or port linings or applied hard facings on the body, body ports, plug, or plug port.

• ANSI/API 600

Bolted Bonnet Steel Gate Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Modified National Adoption of ISO 10434:1998.

• API 602

Compact Steel Gate Valves - Flanged, Threaded, Welding, and Extended-Body Ends. The standard covers threaded-end, socket-welding-end, butt-welding-end, and flanged-end compact carbon steel gate valves in sizes NPS4 and smaller.

• ANSI/API 603

Corrosion-Resistant, Bolted Bonnet Gate Valves - Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends. The standard covers corrosion-resistant bolted bonnet gate valves with flanged or butt-weld ends in sizes NPS 1/2 through 24, corresponding to nominal pipe sizes in ASME B36.10M, and Classes 150, 300, and, 600, as specified in ASME B16.34.

• ANSI/API 607

Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter Turn Valves. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of straightway, soft-seated quarter-turn valves when the valves are exposed to certain fire conditions defined in this standard. The procedures described in this standard apply to all classes and sizes of such valves that are made of materials listed in ASME B16.34.

• API 609

Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug- and Wafer-Type. The standard covers design, materials, face-to-face dimensions, pressure-temperature ratings, and examination, inspection, and test requirements for gray iron, ductile iron, bronze, steel, nickel-base alloy, or special alloy butterfly valves that provide tight shutoff in the closed position and are suitable for flow regulation.


Specification for Fire Test for Valves. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves when exposed to specifically defined fire conditions.


Fire Test for Valve with Automatic Backseats. The standard covers the requirements for testing and evaluating the performance of API Spec 6A and Spec 6D valves with automatic backseats when exposed to specifically defined fire conditions.


Referenced Standards for Committee 6, Standardization of Valves and Wellhead Equipment.

• API 11V6

Design of Continuous Flow Gas Lift Installations Using Injection Pressure Operated Valves. The standard sets guidelines for continuous flow gas lift installation designs using injection pressure operated valves.


Recommended Practice for Repair, Testing, and Setting Gas Lift Valves. The standard applies to repair, testing, and setting gas lift valves and reverse flow (check) valves.

• API 520-1

Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries: Part I - Sizing and Selection. The recommended practice applies to the sizing and selection of pressure relief devices used in refineries and related industries for equipment that has a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psig (1.03 bar g or 103 kPa g) or greater.

• API 520-2

Recommended Practice 520: Sizing, Selection, and Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in Refineries-Part II, Installation. The recommended practice covers methods of installation for pressure-relief devices for equipment that has a maximum allowable working pressure of 15 psig (1.03 bar g or 103 kPa g) or greater. It covers gas, vapor, steam, two-phase and incompressible fluid service.

• ANSI/API 574

Inspection Practices for Piping System Components. The standard covers the inspection of piping, tubing, valves (other than control valves) and fittings used in petroleum refineries.

• ANSI/API 576

Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices. The recommended practice describes the inspection and repair practices for automatic pressure-relieving devices commonly used in the oil and petrochemical industries.

• ANSI/API 608

Metal Ball Valves - Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends. The standard covers Class 150 and Class 300 metal ball valves that have either butt-welding or flanged ends and are for use in on-off service.

An overview of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME - valve standards

Common valve standards from American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME:

• ASME A105/105M

Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for piping applications

• ASME A181/181M

Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for General purpose piping

• ASME A182/182M

Standard Specification for forged or rolled alloy-steel pipe flanges, forged fittings and valves and parts for high-temperature service

• ASME A727/727M

Standard specification for carbon steel forgings for piping components with inherent notch toughness

• ASME A961

Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forged Fittings, valves, and Parts for Piping Applications

• ASME B16.10

Face to Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves

• ASME B16.34

Valves - Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End

• ASME B462

Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled UNS N08020, UNS N08024, UNS N08026, UNS N08367, and UNS R20033 Alloy Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for Corrosive High-Temperature Service

• ASME B834

Standard Specification for Pressure Consolidated Powder Metallurgy Iron-Nickel- Chromium-Molybdenum (UNS N08367) and Nickel- Chromium Molybdenum Columbium (Nb) (UNS N06625) Alloy Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts

• ASME D5500

Standard Test Method for Vehicle Evaluation of Unleaded Automotive Spark-ignition Engine Fuel for Intake Valve Deposit Formation

• ASME F885

Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions for Bronze Globe Valves NPS 1/4 to 2 El-1996 R(1996)

• ASME F992

Standard Specification for Valve Label Plates El-1997 R(1997)

• ASME F993

Standard Specification for Valve Locking Devices El-1997 R(1997)

• ASME F1020

Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for marine Applications El-1996 RI'1996)

• ASME F1098

Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions for Butterfly Valves - NPS 2 to 24 EI-1993 R(1993)

• ASME F1271

Standard Specification for Spill Valves for Use in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections Applications EI-1995 R (1995)

• ASME F1370

Standard Specification for Pressure Reducing valves for Water Systems, Shipboard

• ASME F1508

Standard Specification for Angle Style, Pressure Relief Valves for Steam, Gas, and Liquid Services

• ASME F1565

Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Steam Service

• ASME F1792

Standard Specification for Special Requirements for Valves Used in Gaseous Oxygen Service

• ASME F1793

Standard Specification for Automatic Shut-Off Valves (Also Known as Excess Flow Valves, EFV) for Air or Nitrogen Service

• ASME F1794

Standard Specification for Hand operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen Gas), and Hydraulic Systems

• ASME F1795

Standard specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Air or Nitrogen Systems

• ASME A230

Standard specification for steel wire oil - tempered carbon valve spring quality

• ASME A232

Standard specification for chromium - vanadium alloy steel valve spring quality

• ASME A350

Standard specification for forged or rolled carbon and alloy steel flanges forged fittings and valves and parts for low - temperature service

• ASME A338

Standard specification for ultrasonic examination of heavy steel forgings

• ASME A694

Standard specification for forgings carbon and alloy steel for pipe flanges fittings valves and parts for high - pressure transmission service

• ASME A404

Standards specification for forged or rolled alloy - steel pipe flanges forged fittings and valves and parts specially heat treated for high temperature service

• ASME A522

Forged or rolled 8% and 9% nickel alloy steel flanges fittings valves and parts for low - temperature service

An overview of ASTM International - American Society for Testing and Materials - valve standards

• ASTM A126-04

Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fittings

• ASTM A182/A182M-04

Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service

• ASTM A338

Standard Specification for Malleable Iron Flanges, Pipe Fittings, and Valve Parts for Railroad, Marine, and Other Heavy Duty Service at Temperatures Up to 650�F (345�C)

• ASTM A522/A522M-01

Standard Specification for Forged or Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service

• ASTM A694/A694M-03

Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High-Pressure Transmission Service

• ASTM A961-04

Standard Specification for Common Requirements for Steel Flanges, Forged Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Piping Applications

• ASTM A988/A988M

Standard Specification for Hot Isostatically-Pressed Stainless Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High Temperature Service

• ASTM A989/A989M

Standard Specification for Hot Isostatically-Pressed Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High Temperature Service

• ASTM B61-2

Standard Specification for Steam or Valve Bronze Castings

• ASTM B763

Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for Valve Application

• ASTM B834

Standard Specification for Pressure Consolidated Powder Metallurgy Iron-Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum (UNS N08367) and Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum-Columbium (Nb) (UNS N06625) Alloy Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts

• ASTM C1129

Standard Practice for Estimation of Heat Savings by Adding Thermal Insulation to Bare Valves and Flanges

• ASTM F885

Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions for Bronze Globe Valves NPS 1/4 to 2

• ASTM F992

Standard Specification for Valve Label Plates

• ASTM F993

Standard Specification for Valve Locking Devices

• ASTM F1020

Standard Specification for Line-Blind Valves for Marine Applications

• ASTM F1030

Standard Practice for Selection of Valve Operators

• ASTM F1098

Standard Specification for Envelope Dimensions for Butterfly Valves-NPS 2 to 24

• ASTM F1271

Standard Specification for Spill Valves for Use in Marine Tank Liquid Overpressure Protections Applications

• ASTM F1370

Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Water Systems, Shipboard

• ASTM F1394

Standard Test Method for Determination of Particle Contribution from Gas Distribution System Valves

• ASTM F1565

Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Steam Service

• ASTM F1792

Standard Specification for Special Requirements for Valves Used in Gaseous Oxygen Service

• ASTM F1793

Standard Specification for Automatic Shut-Off Valves (Also Known as Excess Flow Valves, EFV) for Air Or Nitrogen Service

• ASTM F1794

Standard Specification for Hand-Operated, Globe-Style Valves for Gas (Except Oxygen Gas), and Hydraulic Systems

• ASTM F1795

Standard Specification for Pressure-Reducing Valves for Air or Nitrogen Systems

• ASTM F1802

Standard Test Method for Performance Testing of Excess Flow Valves

• ASTM F1970

Standard Specification for Special Engineered Fittings, Appurtenances or Valves for use in Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Systems

• ASTM F1985

Standard Specification for Pneumatic-Operated, Globe-Style, Control Valves

• ASTM F2138

Standard Specification for Excess Flow Valves for Natural Gas Service

• ASTM F2215

Standard Specification for Balls, Bearings, Ferrous and Nonferrous for Use in Bearings, Valves, and Bearing Applications

• ASTM F2324

Standard Test Method for Prerinse Spray Valves

An overview of BSi - British Standard institute valve standards

• BS 341-1:1991

Transportable gas container valves. Specification for industrial valves for working pressures up to and including 300 bar (REPLACED by BS EN 14189:2003) , BS 341-3:2002) , BS EN 849:1997) , BS EN ISO 13340:2001) , BS EN ISO 14246:2001) , BS 341-4:2004)

• BS 341-2:1963

Transportable Gas Container Valves. Valves with Taper Stems for Use with Breathing Apparatus. (REPLACED by BS 341-1:1991) , BS EN 849:1997) , BS EN ISO 12209-1:2001) , BS EN ISO 12209-2:2001) , BS EN ISO 12209-3:2001)

• BS 341-3:2002

Transportable gas container valves. Valve outlet connections

• BS 341-4:2004

Transportable gas container valves. Pressure relief devices

• BS 759-1:1984

Valves, gauges and other safety fittings for application to boilers and to piping installations for and in connection with boilers. Specification for valves, mountings and fittings

• BS 1123-1:1990

Safety valves, gauges and fusible plugs for compressed air or inert gas installations - Code of practice for installation

• BS 1212-1:1990

Float operated valves - Specification for piston type float operated valves (copper alloy body) (excluding floats)

• BS 1212-1:1990

Float operated valves - Specification for piston type float operated valves (copper alloy body) (excluding floats)

• BS 1212-3:1990

Float operated valves - Specification for diaphragm type float operated valves (plastics bodied) for cold water services only (excluding floats)

• BS 1212-4:1990

Float operated valves - Specification for compact type float operated valves for WC flushing cisterns (including floats)

• BS 1552:2004

Specification for open bottomed taper plug valves for 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases up to 200 mbar

• BS 1570:1960

Flanged and but weld-welding end steel plug valves for the petroleum industry (excluding well -head and flow-line valves)

• BS1655:1976

Flanged automatic control valves for the process control industry (face to face dimensions)

• BS 1735:1966

Flanged cast iron outside-screw-and-yoke wedge gate valve, class 125, sizes 1 1/3 in to 24 in, for the petroleum industry

• BS 1868:1975

Specification for steel check valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries

• BS 1873:1975

Specification for steel globe and globe stop and check valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries

• BS1952:2000

Copper alloy valves for general purposes

• BS1953:2000

Copper alloy check valves for general purposes

• BS1963:1990

Specification for pressure operated relay valves for domestic, commercial and catering gas appliances

• BS 1968:1953

Specification for floats for ball valves (copper)

• BS2060:2000

Copper alloy screw down stop valves for general purposes

• BS2080:1995

Specification for face to face, center to face, end to end and center to end dimensions of valves

• BS 2456:1990

Specification for floats (plastics) for float operated valves for cold water services

• BS 2879:1980

Specification for draining taps (screw-down pattern)

• BS2995:1966

Cast and forged steel wedge gate, globe, check and plug valve, screwed and socket welding, sizes 2 in and smaller, for the petroleum industry

• BS 3457:1973

Specification for materials for water tap and stop valve seat washers

• BS 3464:2000

Cast iron wedge and double disk gate valves for general purposes

• BS3808:1964

Cast and forged steel flanged, screwed and socket welding wedge gate valves (compact design), sizes 2 in and smaller, for the petroleum industry

• BS3948:1965

Cast iron parallel slide valves for general purposes

• BS3952:1965

Cast iron butterfly valves for general purposes

• BS3961:1965

Cast iron screw down stop valves and stop and check valves for general purposes

• BS 4062-1:1982

Valves for hydraulic fluid power systems - Methods for determining pressure differential/flow characteristics

• BS 4062-2:1990

Valves for hydraulic fluid power systems - Methods for determining performance

• BS4090:1966

Cast iron check valves for general purposes

• BS4133:1967

Flanged steel parallel slide valves for general purposes

• BS4312:1968

Flanged steel screw down stop valves and check valves for general purposes

• BS 4460:1969

Steel ball valves for the petroleum industry

• BS 5041:1987

Fire hydrant systems equipment - Specification for landing valves for wet risers

• BS 5146 P1:1984

Steel valves for the petrochemical and allied industries

• BS 5150:1990 - Withdrawn, Superseded

Specification for cast iron gate valves

• BS 5151:1982 - Withdrawn, Superseded

Specification for cast iron gate (parallel slide) valves for general purposes

• BS 5152:1989 - Withdrawn, Superseded

Cast iron globe & globe stop and check valves

• BS 5153:1989 - Withdrawn, Superseded

Cast iron check valves for general purposes

• BS 5154:1991

Specification for copper alloy globe, globe stop and check, check and gate valves

• BS 5155:1992

Specification for butterfly valves

• BS 5156:1990

Specification for diaphragm valves

• BS 5157:1989

Specification for steel gate (parallel slide) valves

• BS 5158:1989

Specification for cast iron plug valves

• BS 5159:1982

Cast iron and carbon steel ball valves for general purposes

• BS 5160:1989

Specification for steel globe valves, globe stop and check valves and lift type check valves

• BS 5163:1991

Specification for predominantly key-operated cast iron gate valves for waterworks purposes

• BS 5351:1990

Steel ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries

• BS 5352:1990

Steel wedge gate, globe and check valves 50mm and small

• BS 5353:1989

Specification for steel plug valves

• BS 5417:1976

Testing of general purpose industrial valves

• BS 5418:1984

Specification for marking of general purpose industrial valves

• BS 5672:1991

Specification for designation of the direction of retation and of cylinders and valves in cylinder heads, and definition of right-hand and left-hand in-line engines and locations on engines for reciprocating internal combustion engines

• BS 5793-4:1987

Industrial-process control valves - Specification for inspection and routine testing

• BS 5793-6:1986

Industrial-process control valves - Specification for mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valve actuators

• BS 5834-1:1985

Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for gas and waterworks purposes - Specification for guards, including foundation units

• BS 5834-2:1983

Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for gas and waterworks purposes - Specification for small surface boxes

• BS 5834-3:1985

Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for gas and waterworks purposes - Specification for large surface boxes

• BS 5834-4:1989

Surface boxes, guards and underground chambers for gas and waterworks purposes - Specification for preformed chambers

• BS 5995:1980

Methods of test for electrohydraulic servovalves

• BS 6282-2:1982

Devices with moving parts for the prevention of contamination of water by backflow - Specification for check valves of nominal size up to and including DN 54

• BS 6282-3:1982

Devices with moving parts for the prevention of contamination of water by backflow - Specification for in-line anti-vacuum valves of nominal size up to and including DN 42

• BS 6282-4:1982

Devices with moving parts for the prevention of contamination of water by backflow - Specification for combined check and anti-vacuum valves of nominal size up to and including DN 42

• BS 6283-2:1991

Safety and control devices for use in hot water systems - Specifications for temperature relief valves for pressures from 1 bar to 10 bar

• BS 6283-4:1991

Safety and control devices for use in hot water systems - Specification for drop-tight pressure reducing valves of nominal size up to and including DN 50 for supply pressures up to and including 12 bar

• BS 6494-4:1989

Hydraulic fluid power valve mounting surfaces - Specification for clamping dimensions of four-part, size 03 and 05, modular stack valves and directional control valves

• BS 6675:1986

Specification for servicing valves (copper alloy) for water services

• BS 6683:1985

Guide to installation and use of valves

• BS 6697:1986

Methods of test for electrohydraulic proportional control valves

• BS 6755-2:1987

Testing of valves - Specification for fire type-testing requirements

• BS 6759-1:1995

Safety valves - Part 1. Specification for safety valves for steam and hot water

• BS 6759-2:1997

Safety valves - Part 2. Safety valves for compressed air or inert gas

• BS 6759-3:1995

Safety valves - Part 3. Specification for safety valves for process fluids

• BS 6821:1988

Methods for aerodynamic testing of dampers and valves

• BS 7296-1:1990

Cavities for hydraulic fluid power cartridge valves - specification for two-port slip-in valves

• BS 7350:1990

Specification for double regulating globe valves and flow measurement devices for heating and chilled water systems

• BS 7389-1:1990

Pneumatic fluid power valve mounting surfaces - specification for five-port directional control valves (without electrical motor)

• BS 7438:1991

Specification steel and copper alloy waffer check valves, single disk, spring-loaded type

• BS EN 488:2003

District heating pipes - Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene

• BS EN 558-1:1996

Industrial values face to face and center to face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems. Part 1 PN designated valves

• BS EN 558-2:1996

Industrial valves face to face and center to face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged piping systems. Part 2 class-designated valves

• BS EN 561:2002

Gas welding equipment - Quick-action coupling with shut-off valves for welding, cutting and allied processes

• BS EN 736-1:1995

Valves - Terminology - Definition of types of valves

• BS EN 736-2:1997

Valves - Terminology - Definition of components of valves

• BS EN 816:1997

Sanitary tapware - Automatic shut-off valves PN 10

• BS EN 917:1997

Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test methods for resistance to internal pressure and leaktightness

• BS EN 1092-2:1997

Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Cast iron flanges

• BS EN 1112:1997

Shower outlets for (PN 10) sanitary tapware

• BS EN 1680:1997

Plastics piping systems - Valves for polyethylene (PE) piping systems - Test method for leaktightness under and after bending applied to the operating mechanism

• BS EN 1704:1997

Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test method for the integrity of a valve after temperature cycling under bending

• BS EN 1705:1997

Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test method for the integrity of a valve after an external blow

• BS EN 12119:1997

Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene (PE) valves - Test method for resistance to thermal cycling

• BS EN 14141:2003

Valves for natural gas transportation in pipelines - Performance requirements and tests

• BS EN 14189:2003

Transportable gas cylinders. Inspection and maintenance of cylinder valves at time of periodic inspection of gas cylinders. Partially replaces BS 341-1:1991

• BS EN 28233:1992

Thermoplastics valves - Torque - Test method

• BS EN 28659:1992

Thermoplastics valves - Fatigue strength - Test method

• BS EN 60534-1:1989

Industrial-process control valves - Industrial-process control valves - Control valve terminology and general considerations

• BS EN 60534-2-1:1999

Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow under installed conditions

• BS EN 60534-2-3:1998

Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Test procedures

• BS EN 60534-2-5:2003

Industrial-process control valves - Flow capacity - Sizing equations for fluid flow through multistage control valves with interstage recovery

• BS EN 60534-3-1:2000

Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern control valves

• BS EN 60534-3-2:2001

Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves

• BS EN 60534-3-3:1998

Industrial-process control valves - Dimensions - End-to-end dimensions for buttweld, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern control valves

• BS EN 60534-5:2004

Industrial-process control valves - Marking

• BS EN 60534-6-1:1998

Industrial-process control valves - Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on linear actuators

• BS EN 60534-6-2:2001

Industrial-process control valves - Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves - Positioner mounting on rotary actuators

• BS EN 60534-8-1:2001

Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves

• BS EN 60534-8-2:1991

Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through control valves

• BS EN 60534-8-3:2000

Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Control valve aerodynamic noise prediction method

• BS EN 60534-8-4:1994

Industrial-process control valves - Noise considerations - Prediction of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow

• BS EN 60730-2-8:2002

Specification for automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Particular requirements - Particular requirements for electrically operated water valves, including mechanical requirements

• BS EN ISO 5210:1996

Industrial valves - Multi-turn valve actuator attachments

• BS ISO 4401:1996

Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces

• BS ISO 6263:1997

Hydraulic fluid power - Compensated flow-control valves - Mounting surfaces

Chinese valve standards compared with the international ISO, ASTM , ASME, ANSI, MSS, API and JIS standards

Chinese Standard Code Num. Chinese Standard Name Adopting Standard

GB12220 General valve -- marking ISO 5209

GB12221 Flanged ends metal valve - face-to-face dimensions ISO 5752

GB12222 Multi-turn valve -- connection of driving device ISO 5210/1 - 3

GB12223 Part-turn valve -- connection of driving device ISO 5211/1 - 3

GB12224 Steel valve - general requirements ANSI B16.34

GB12225 General valve -- copper alloy casting ware technology requirements ASTM B584

GB12226 General valve -- gray casting iron technology requirements ISO 185,BS 1452

GB12228 General valve -- carbon forging steel technology requirements ASTM A 105,A181

GB12229 General valve -- carbon casting steel technology requirements ASTM A703

GB12230 General valve --- Ad casting steel technology requirements ASTM A351

GB12232 General valve -- flanged ends iron gate valve ISO5996-1982,

API 595

GB12233 General valve -- iron gate valve and lift check valve BS5152,5153

GB12234 General valve -- flanged and butt-welding ends copper gate valve API 600

GB12237 General valve -- flanged and butt-welding ends steel ball valve ISO7121, API 607

GB12238 General valve -- flanged and wafer ends butterfly valve BS5155

GB12239 General valve -- diaphragm valve BS5156,NFE29

GB12240 General valve -- iron plug valve API 593

GB12241 Safety valve -- general requirements ISO 4126

GB12242 Safety valve -- characteristic testing solution ANSI/ASME PTC25.3

GB12243 Direct spring loaded safety valve JIS B 8210

GB12244 Pressure reducing valve - general requirements JIS B 8372,B8410

GB12245 Pressure reducing valve - characteristic testing solution JIS B 8372,B8410

GB12246 Pilot operated pressure reducing valve JIS B 8372, DSS405

GB12247 Steam trap valve -- classification ISO 6704

GB12248 Steam trap valve -- technology terms ISO 6552

GB12249 Steam trap valve -- marking ISO 6553

GB12250 Steam trap valve -- face-to-face dimensions ISO 6554

GB12251 Steam trap valve -- testing solution ISO 6948,7841,7842

GB/T13927 General valve -- pressure testing ISO 5208

JB/T6899-93 Valve fire-proof test ISO10497

JB/T7927-95 Valve casting steel ware out-form quality requirements MSS SP55

ZBJ16006-90 Inspection and testing of valve API 598

Chinese standards for steel, cast iron and metal valves

Chinese Standard Code Num. Chinese Standard Name

GB12220 General valve - marking

GB12221 Flanged ends metal valve - face-to-face dimensions

GB12222 Multi-turn valve - connection of driving device

GB12223 Part-turn valve - connection of driving device

GB12224 Steel valve - general requirements

GB12225 General valve - copper alloy casting ware technology requirements

GB12226 General valve - gray casting iron technology requirements

GB12227 General valve - ductile casting iron technology requirements

GB12228 General valve - carbon forging steel technology requirements

GB12229 General valve - carbon casting steel technology requirements

GB12230 General valve - a casting steel technology requirements

GB12232 General valve - flanged ends iron gate valve

GB12233 General valve - iron gate valve and lift check valve

GB12234 General valve - flanged and butt-welding ends copper gate valve

GB12235 General valve - flanged steel stop and lift check valve

GB12236 General valve - steel swing check valve

GB12237 General valve - flanged and butt-welding ends steel ball valve

GB12238 General valve - flanged and wafer ends butterfly valve

GB12239 General valve - diaphragm valve

GB12240 General valve - iron plug valve

GB12241 Safety valve - general requirements

GB12242 Safety valve - characteristic testing solution

GB12243 Direct spring loaded safety valve

GB12244 Pressure reducing valve - general requirements

GB12245 Pressure reducing valve - characteristic testing solution

GB12246 Pilot operated pressure reducing valve

GB12247 Steam trap valve - classification

GB12248 Steam trap valve - technology terms

GB12249 Steam trap valve - marking

GB12250 Steam trap valve - face-to-face dimensions

GB12251 Steam trap valve - testing solution

GB/T13927 General valve - pressure testing

GB/T13932 General valve - iron swing check valve

GB/T15185 Iron and copper ball valve

GB/T15188.1 Valve face-to-face dimensions - butt-welding ends valve

GB/T15188.2 Valve face-to-face dimensions - wafer ends valve

GB/T15188.3 Valve face-to-face dimensions - female screw-down valve

GB/T15188.4 Valve face-to-face dimensions - male screw -down valve

JB93 Handle

JB94 Spanner

JB106 Valve - marking and identifying paint

JB308 Valve - type establishing way

JB/T450 PN16.032.0Mpa forging angle type high-pressure valve, fastener and technology requirements

JB451 Lever type safety valve technology requirements

JB1308 Pg(2500kgf/cm2)valve type and base specification

JB1309 Pg(2500kgf/cm2)valve pipe and fastener technology requirements

JB/T1691 Valve key construction element dimension of stem head

JB1692 Umbrella type hand wheel

JB1693 Plane hand wheel

JB1694 Valve stem nut (1)

JB1695 Valve stem nut (2)

JB1696 Valve stem nut (3)

JB1698 Valve stem nut (5)

JB1699 Valve stem nut (4)

JB1700.1 Locking nut (1)

JB1700.2 Locking nut (2)

JB1701 Valve stem nut (6)

JB1702.1 Bearing gland (1)

JB1702.2 Bearing gland (2)

JB1703 Sleeve liner

JB1706 Pressing sleeve nut

JB1708 Gland

JB1709 T type bolt

JB1712 Asbestos packing

JB1713 Packing seat(1)

JB1716 Packing seat(2)

JB/T1717 Valve construction key element back seat ring dimensions

JB1718 Spacer (1)

JB1719 Spacer (2)

JB1720 Spacer (3)

JB1721 Spacer (4)

JB1726 Valve disc seat

JB1727 Folio circle

JB1728 Stop collar

JB/T1732 Valve construction key element taper sealing face dimensions

JB/T1733 Valve construction key element valve body copper sealing face dimensions

JB/T1734 Valve construction key element wedge disc and valve disc copper sealing face dimensions

JB1735 Foot valve disc sealing ring

JB1736 Swing check valve disc sealing ring

JB1737 Swing check valve disc sealing ring pressing board

JB/T1738 Valve construction key element dimensions of wedge gate valve body slide way and slide way groove

JB/T1739 Valve construction key element dimensions of wedge gate valve body sealing plane clearance and wedge angle

JB/T1740 Valve construction key element dimensions of wedge disc sealing plane

JB1741 Thimble

JB1742 Adjusting ring

JB1747 Packing ring

JB1749 Ammonia valve disc

JB/T1750 Valve construction key element ammonia valve body sealing plane dimensions

JB/T1751-92 Valve construction key element socket welding and fitting pipe head dimension

JB/T1752-92 Valve construction key element male screw ends head dimensions

JB1753-91 Joint ring

JB1754-91 Joint

JB1755-91 Joint nut

JB/T1756-92 Valve construction key element dimensions of bayonet joint ends

JB1757-91 Bayonet

JB1758-91 Bayonet nut

JB1759-91 Bearing ring

JB1760- 91 Six-angle bolt

JB1761-91 Bolt ring

JB/T1762-92 Valve construction key element spanner dimensions

JB2202-77 Direct spring loaded safety valve specification

JB2203-77 Direct spring loaded safety valve face-to-face dimensions

JB2205-77 Reducing valve face-to-face dimensions

JB2206-77 Reducing valve technology requirements

JB2311-78 Ball valve technology requirements

JB2765-81 Valve technology terms

JB2766-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa dimensions of forging high-pressure valve

JB/T2768-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa Pipe, piping fitting, valve head dimensions

JB/T2769-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa screw flange

JB/T2770-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa joint nut

JB/T2771-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa joint

JB/T2772-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa Blind plate

JB/T2773-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa double head bolt

JB/T2774-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa double bolt ends and thread hole dimensions

JB/T2775-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa nut

JB/T2776-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa lens ring

JB/T2777-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa Non-hole lens ring

JB/T2778-92 PN16.0- 32.0Mpa temperature marking of pipe and fastener

JB3328-83 Air jar valve and pipe-line valve

JB3339-83 Little type medical air jar frame type valve connection dimensions

JB5206.1-91 Packing gland (1)

JB5206.2-91 Packing gland (2)

JB5206.3-91 Packing gland (3)

JB5207-91 Packing pressing plate

JB5208-91 Separating circle

JB5209-91 Plastics packing

JB5210-91 Back sealing ring

JB5211-91 Gate valve seat ring

JB/T5296-91 General valve testing way of flow rate coefficient and flow resistant coefficient

JB/T5298-91 Steel plate gate valve for pipe line using

JB/T5299-91 General valve Hydraulic actuator butterfly type check valve

JB/T5300-91 General valve material

JB/T6438-92 Valve sealing face plasma arc welding - technology requirements

JB/T6439-92 Valve pressing casting steel ware - magnetism powder flaw detector inspection

JB/T6440-92 Valve pressing casting steel ware - rax irradiating inspection

JB/T6441-92 Safety valve for compressor purpose

JB/T6495-92 Valve construction key element Gate valve (or disc) T type groove dimensions

JB/T6496-92 Valve construction key element packing dimensions

JB/T6497-92 Valve construction key element stem head dimensions

JB/T6498-92 Valve construction key element disc and stem connection groove dimensions

JB/T6899-93 Valve fire-proof test

JB/T6900-93 Draught valve

JB/T6901-93 Seal type glasses valve

JB/T6902-93 Valve casting steel ware hydraulic penetrating inspection way

JB/T6903-93 Valve forging steel ware super wave inspection way

JB/T6904-93 Inspection and testing of air jar valve

JB/T7248-94 Technology terms of low temperature casting steel for valve purpose

JB/T7744-95 Valve sealing face alloy powder for plasma arc welding

JB/T7745-95 Pipe line ball valve

JB/T7746-95 Diameter-shrinking forging steel valve

JB/T7747-95 Needle type stop valve

JB/T7748-95 Valve clearance degree and inspection way

JB/T7749-95 Technology terms of sub-zero valve

JB/T7927-95 Valve casting steel ware out-form quality requirements

JB/T7928-95 General valve offer requirements

JB/Z243-85 Gate valve static pressure length of life test rules

JB/Z244-85 Stop valve static pressure length of life test rules

JB/Z245-85 Plug valve static pressure length of life test rules

JB/Z246-85 Ball valve static pressure length of life test rules

JB/Z247-85 Valve - electrically device length of life test rules

JB/Z248-85 Butterfly valve static pressure length of life test rules

ZBJ16002-87 Valve electrically driving apparatus technology terms

ZBJ16004-88 Reducing valve type and basing coefficient

ZBJ16006-90 Inspection and testing of valve

ZBJ16007-90 Steam trap valve technology terms

ZBJ16008-90 Hydraulic petroleum gas device urgent shut down valve - technology terms

ZBJ16009-90 Valve pneumatic actuator technology terms

JB/T8473-96 Instrument valve series

JB/T8528-97 General valve electric actuator - technology terms

JB/T8527-97 Metal sealing butterfly valve

JB/T8529-97 Explosion-proof type valve electric actuator - technology terms

JB/T8530-97 Valve electric actuator - type establishing way

JB/T8531-97 Valve manual actuator - technology terms

JB/T8670-97 YBDF2 series explosion-proof three-phase asynchronous generator for valve electric actuator purpose - technology terms

An overview of DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung - valve standards

valve related standards:

• DIN 475-1

Widths across flats for bolts, screws, valves and fittings

• DIN 475-2

Wrench and socket openings

• DIN 477-1

Gas cylinder valves rated for test pressures up to 300 bar; types, sizes and outlets

• DIN 477-4

Compressed gas cylinder valves; swing check valves for camping-cylinders

• DIN 477-5

Gas cylinder valves - Part 5: For test pressure up to 450 bar max.; Outlet connections

• DIN 477-6

Gas cylinder valves; test pressures 300 bar and 450 bar, with cylindrical thread for valve stem and gas cylinder neck for breathing apparatus; sizes, threads

• DIN 477-9 (Draft standard)

Gas cylinder valves, for highest grade gases; sizes, connections, threads

• DIN 1690-10

Technical delivery conditions for castings of metallic materials; supplementary requirements for steel castings used for heavy-duty valves

• DIN 3202-4

Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions of valves; Valves with female thread connection

• DIN 3202-5

Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions of valves; valves for connection with compression couplings

• DIN 3230-3

Technical delivery conditions for valves; Compilation of test methods

• DIN 3230-4

Technical Conditions of Delivery for Valves; Valves for Potable Water Service, Requirements and Testing

• DIN 3230-5

Technical delivery conditions; valves for gas installations and gas pipelines; requirements and testing

• DIN 3230-6

Technical delivery conditions for valves; requirements and methods of test for valves for use with flammable liquids

• DIN 3266-1

Valves for drinking water installations on private premises; PN 10 pipe interrupters, pipe disconnectors, anti-vacuum valves

• DIN 3266-2

Valves for drinking water installations on private premises; PN 10 pipe interrupters, pipe disconnectors, anti-vacuum valves; testing

• DIN 3320-1

Safety valves; safety shut-off valves; definitions, sizing, marking

• DIN 3320-3 (Draft standard)

Safety valves; safety shut-off valves; center for face dimensions of flanged safety valves to PN 40 and to DN 250 inlet

• DIN 3339

Valves; body component materials

• DIN 3352-1

Gate Valves; General Information

• DIN 3352-2

Cast iron gate valves, with metallic seat and inside screw stem

• DIN 3352-3

Cast iron gate valves, with metallic seat and outside screw stem

• DIN 3352-4

Cast iron gate valves with elastomeric obturator seatings and inside screw stem

• DIN 3352-5

Steel gate valves, isomorphs series

• DIN 3352-13

Double-socket cast iron gate valves, with elastomeric obturator seat and inside screw stem

• DIN 3356-1

Globe valves; General data

• DIN 3356-2

Globe valves; Cast iron stop valves

• DIN 3356-3

Globe valves; Unalloyed steel stop valves

• DIN 3356-4

Globe valves; High temperature steel stop valves

• DIN 3356-5

Globe valves; Stainless steel stop valves

• DIN 3357-1

Metal ball valves; general requirements and methods of test

• DIN 3357-2

Full bore steel ball valves

• DIN 3357-3

Reduced bore steel ball valves

• DIN 3357-4

Full bore nonferrous metal ball valves

• DIN 3357-5

Reduced bore nonferrous metal ball valves

• DIN 3381

Safety devices for gas supply installations operating at working pressures up to 100 bar; pressure relief governors and safety shut-off devices

• DIN 3399

Gas low-pressure cut-off valves; safety requirements, testing

• DIN 3441-1

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves; requirements and testing

• DIN 3441-2

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves; ball valves; dimensions

• DIN 3441-3

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves; diaphragm valves; dimensions

• DIN 3441-4

Valves of Rigid PVC (Unplasticized or Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride); Y-valves (Inclined-seat Valves), Dimensions

• DIN 3441-5

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves; PN 6 and PN 10 wafer type butterfly valves; dimensions

• DIN 3441-6

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) valves; gate valves with inside screw stem; dimensions

• DIN 3442-1

Polypropylene (PP) valves; requirements and testing

• DIN 3442-2

Fittings of PP (Polypropylene); Ball valves, Dimensions

• DIN 3442-3

Polypropylene (PP) valves; diaphragm valves; dimensions

• DIN 3475

Spheroidal graphite cast iron valves and fittings provided with internal corrosion protection by means of enamelling, for use in drinking water supply systems; requirements and testing

• DIN 3476

Corrosion protection of water valves and pipe fittings by epoxy powder or liquid epoxy resin linings - Requirements and testing

• DIN 3500

PN 10 piston type gate valves for use in drinking water supply systems

• DIN 3502

Stopvalves for drinking water supplies on and in private property; straight pattern globe valves with oblique bonnet, rated for nominal pressure PN 10

• DIN 3512

Stopvalves for domestic water supply - Two-way valves - Vertical bonnet type PN 10; Straight pattern globe valve; Technical rule of the DVGW

• DIN 3535-1

Sealants for gas supplies; elastomeric gasket materials for gas valves in domestic installations; requirements and tests

• DIN 3535-5

Rubber/cork and rubber/cork synthetic fiber based gasket materials for use with gas valves, gas appliances and gas pipe work

• DIN 3535-6

Gaskets for gas supply - Part 6: Gasket materials based on synthetic fibers, graphite or polytetrafluoroethylen (PTFE) for gas valves, gas appliances and gas mains

• DIN 3537-1

Gas stop valves rated for pressures up to 4 bar; requirements and acceptance testing

• DIN 3543-1

Metal tapping valves; requirements, testing

• DIN 3543-2

Metallic tapping stop valves; dimensions

• DIN 3543-3, Publication date:1978-07

PVC tapping valves for plastic pipes; dimensions

• DIN 3543-4

High density polyethylene (HDPE) tapping valves for HDPE pipes; dimensions

• DIN 3544-1

High-density polyethylene (HDPE) valves; tapping valves; requirements and test

• DIN 3852-1

Ports and stud ends with metric fine pitch thread, for use with compression couplings, valves and screw plugs; Dimensions

• DIN 3852-2

Stud ends and tapped holes with pipe thread, for use with compression couplings, valves and screw plugs; Dimensions

• DIN 3852-11

Stud ends and tapped holes for use with compression couplings, valves and screw plugs - Type E stud end dimensions

• DIN 19208

Flow measurement; mating dimensions and application of shut-off valves for differential pressure transducers and differential pressure piping

• DIN 19578-1

Stop valves for site drainage systems; anti-flooding valves for faucal sewage systems; requirements

• DIN 20042

Water valve, nominal pressure 40 - Dimensions and requirements

• DIN EN 28233

Thermoplastics valves; torques; test method (ISO 8233:1988)

• DIN 30677-1

Corrosion protection of buried valves; coating for normal requirement

• DIN 30677-2

External corrosion protection of buried valves; heavy-duty thermoset plastics coatings

• DIN 32509

Hand-operated shut-off valves for welding, cutting and allied processes - Type of construction, safety requirements, tests

• DIN 42560

Transformers; Throttle-valves NW 80, Dimensions, Tightness Testing

• DIN 74279

Air braking systems - Charging valves

• DIN 86251

Shut off valves for shipboard use, of cast iron, with flanges, DN 15 to 500

• DIN 86252

Non return valves for shipboard use, cut off type, of cast iron, with flanges, DN 15 to 500

• DIN 86260

Shut off valves for shipboard use, of gun metal, with flanges, DN 15 to 500

• DIN 86261

Non return valves for shipboard use, cut off type, of gun metal, with flanges, DN 15 to 500

• DIN 86501

Valves, screwed bonnet type of gun metal with 24�-connection with port end W according to DIN 3861

• DIN 86528

Tab washers for screwed bonnet valves

• DIN 86552

Valves, screwed bonnet type of steel with 24�-connection with port end W according to DIN 3861

• DIN 86720

Gate valves flat sided of gun metal with screwed bonnet and flanges, DN 20 to DN 100, PN 16

• DIN 87101, Publication date:2003-10

Non-return flaps (storm valves), self-closing, vertical type, DN 50 up to DN 150, PN 1 - Mating dimensions for flanges according to PN 10

• DIN 87901

Sniffle valves for pumps

• DIN EN 488

District heating pipes - Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene; German version EN 488:2003

• DIN EN 558-1

Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions of metal industrial valves for use in flanged pipe systems - PN designated valves

• DIN EN 558-2

Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions of metal industrial valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Class-designated valves

• DIN EN 736-1

Valves - Terminology - Types of valves

• DIN EN 736-2

Valves - Terminology - Part 2: Definition of components of valves

• DIN EN 736-3

Valves - Terminology - Part 3: Definition of terms (includes Amendment A1:2001); English version of DIN EN 736-3:1999 + A1:2001

• DIN EN 917

Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test methods for resistance to internal pressure and leak-tightness

• DIN EN 1092-1

Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories - Part 1: Steel flanges, PN designated

• DIN EN 1092-2

Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 2: Cast iron flanges

• DIN EN 1092-4

Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flanges

• DIN EN 1680

Plastics piping systems - Valves for polyethylene (PE) piping systems - Test method for leaktightness under and after bending applied to the operating mechanism

• DIN EN 1705

Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics valves - Test method for the integrity of a valve after an external blow; German version EN 1705:1996

• DIN EN 28233

Thermoplastics valves; torques; test method (ISO 8233:1988)

An overview of International Organization for Standardization - ISO - valve standards

valve standards:

• ISO 683-15:1992

Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and free-cutting steels; part 15: valve steels for internal combustion engines

• ISO 4126-1:2004

Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure - Part 1: Safety valves

• ISO 4401:1994

Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces

• ISO 4411:1986

Hydraulic fluid power; Valves; Determination of pressure differential/flow characteristics

• ISO 4422-4:1997

Pipes and fittings made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) for water supply - Specifications - Part 4: Valves and ancillary equipment

• ISO 5208:1993

Industrial valves; pressure testing of valves

• ISO 5209:1977

General purpose industrial valves; Marking

• ISO 5210:1991

Industrial valves; multi-turn valve actuator attachments

• ISO 5211:2001

Industrial valves - Part-turn actuator attachment

• SO 5599-1:2001

Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 1: Mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector

• ISO 5599-2:2001

Pneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves - Part 2: Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector

• ISO 5599-3:1990

Pneumatic fluid power; five-port directional control valves; part 3: code system for communication of valve functions

• ISO 5752:1982

Metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems; Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions

• ISO 5781:2000

Hydraulic fluid power - Pressure-reducing valves, sequence valves, unloading valves, throttle valves and check valves - Mounting surfaces

• ISO 5996:1984

Cast iron gate valves

• ISO 6002:1992

Bolted bonnet steel gate valves

• ISO 6182-1:2004

Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems - Part 1: Requirements and test methods for sprinklers

• ISO 6182-2:1993

Fire protection; automatic sprinkler systems; part 2: requirements and test methods for wet alarm valves, retard chambers and water motor alarms

• ISO 6182-3:1993

Fire protection; automatic sprinkler systems; part 3: requirements and test methods for dry pipe valves

• ISO 6182-4:1993

Fire protection; automatic sprinkler systems; part 4: requirements and test methods for quick-opening devices

• ISO 6182-5:1995

Fire protection - Automatic sprinkler systems - Part 5: Requirements and test methods for deluge valves

• ISO 6263:1997

Hydraulic fluid power - Compensated flow-control valves - Mounting surfaces

• ISO 6264:1998

Hydraulic fluid power - Pressure-relief valves - Mounting surfaces

• ISO 6403:1988

Hydraulic fluid power; valves controlling flow and pressure; test methods

• ISO 6552:1980

Automatic steam traps; Definition of technical terms

• ISO 6553:1980

Automatic steam traps; Marking

• ISO 6554:1980

Flanged automatic steam traps; Face-to-face dimensions

• ISO 6704:1982

Automatic steam traps; Classification

• ISO 6948:1981

Automatic steam traps; Production and performance characteristic tests

• ISO 7121:1986

Flanged steel ball valves

• ISO 7244:1984

Air distribution and air diffusion; Aerodynamic testing of dampers and valves

• ISO 7259:1988

Predominantly key-operated cast iron gate valves for underground use

• ISO 7368:1989

Hydraulic fluid power; two-port slip-in cartridge valves; cavities

• ISO 7508:1985

Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) valves for pipes under pressure; Basic dimensions; Metric series

• ISO 7714:2000

Agricultural irrigation equipment - Volumetric valves - General requirements and test methods

• ISO 7790:1997

Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port modular stack valves and four-port directional control valves, sizes 02, 03 and 05 - Clamping dimensions

• ISO 7841:1988

Automatic steam traps; determination of steam loss; test methods

• DIN ISO 7967-3:1993

Reciprocating internal combustion engines; vocabulary of components and systems; valves, camshaft drive and actuating mechanisms

• ISO 8233:1988

Thermoplastics valves; torque; test method

• ISO 8242:1989

Polypropylene (PP) valves for pipes under pressure; basic dimensions; metric series

• ISO 8659:1989

Thermoplastics valves; fatigue strength; test method

• ISO 9393-1:2004

Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications - Pressure test methods and requirements - Part 1: General

• ISO 9393-2:1997

Thermoplastics valves - Pressure test methods and requirements - Part 2: Test conditions and basic requirements for PE, PP, PVC-U and PVDF valves

• ISO 9635:1990

Irrigation equipment; hydraulically operated irrigation valves

• ISO 9644:1993

Agricultural irrigation equipment; pressure losses in irrigation valves; test method

• ISO 9911:1993

Agricultural irrigation equipment; manually operated small plastics valves

• ISO 9952:1993

Agricultural irrigation equipment; check valves

• ISO 10418:2003

Petroleum and natural gas industries - Offshore production installations - Basic surface process safety systems

• ISO 10423:2003

Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment,

• ISO 10497:2004

Testing of valves - Fire type-testing requirements

• ISO 10522:1993

Agricultural irrigation equipment; direct-acting pressure-regulating valves

• ISO 10631:1994

Metallic butterfly valves for general purposes

• ISO 10931-4:1997

Plastics piping systems for industrial applications - Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) - Part 4: Valves

• ISO 10933:1997

Polyethylene (PE) valves for gas distribution systems

Sources :www.engineeringtoolbox.com

Friday, September 24, 2010


Photo di samping ini adalah teman saya Yudhi tapi teman-temannya memanggilnya Daman. Jadi saya ikut-ikutan  manggil dia .. Daman..Katanya Nick name itu melekat sejak kuliah dulu.. Tapi dia tidak menjelaskan kenapa dia dipanggil Daman..

Daman ini teman kerjaku di Perusahaan dimana aku bekerja sekarang, job posisi  Technical Assistant, tapi tugasnya sebagai estimator project. Pada awalnya kenal dia , dia itu adalah sebagai admin saja yang ngurusin para engineer. Karena di tempat kerja saya terdahulu , posisi Technical Assistant  itu ngurusin engineer-engineer dan kebutuhan lainnya untuk urusan kerjaan. 

Aneh memang tapi itulah yang terjadi, kadang posisi sama tapi job descriptionnya  berbeda dimana yang satu artinya ngurusin engineer dan tai arti lainnya adalah estimator. Jadi si Daman ini tugasnya sebagai estimator project-project yang ada di tempat kerjaku sekarang yaitu untuk project-project client kami.
kami kerja sebagai konsultan di salah satu perusahaan migas yang terbesar di Duri Riau.
Perusahaan kami namanya PT. Dimensi Barumas Perdana - Engineering Construction Management dimana posisi kami adalah sebagai consultan untuk project yang berhubungan dengan Facilities Management yang ada di PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri Riau Indonesia.

Daman ini anak yang baik , karena tiap pagi suka jemput saya di rumah untuk ke kantor, karena cuma dia yang umurnya lebih muda dari saya yang saya bisa minta tolong untuk jemput saya dan antar saya dari rumah ke kantor atau sebaliknya. anaknya suka bantu orang dan baik terhadap orang lain dan berusaha untuk membantu orang semampu yang dia bisa...Saya baru kenal dia 8 bulan tapi saya anggap sebagai teman yang baik saya  disamping teman-teman kerja yang lain. Dia orangnya memerima apa yang kita sampaikan walau kadang apa yang kami omongkan ke dia , masuk kuping kanan keluar kuping kiri.

Tapi kulihat orangnya jarang senyum dan walaupun senyum kadang senyumnya dipaksakan..Dan kutanya ke teman-teman kerjaku yang lain ada apa dengan Daman..kok orangnya seperti itu.. Teman-teman pada bilang kalau dia sudah 1 tahun lebih pisah dengan istrinya . Waduh sudah  tahun lebih kok masih saja anak itu bersedih..Heran kadang aku melihat kekuatan cinta dia terhadap mantan istrinya tersebut.
Dan aku pun tahu bahwa dia ditinggalkan oleh istrinya karena sesuatu sebab yang tak pasti ..dan terjadilah perceraian itu tapi dai pernikahan tersebut lahirnya seorang anak perempuan dan sekarang umurnya sekitar 3,5 tahun.

Pernah kutanya dia kenapa nggak cari wanita lain untuk jadi istrinya tapi jawabannya selalu saja "belum ada yang cocok" masak dalam masa hampir dua tahun belum juga menemukan wanita untuk pendamping hidup.
rupanya kata teman-teman Daman belum bisa melupakan istrinya itu ..Walaupun kami tahu Daman disakiti tapi dia tetap memaafkan istrinya tersebut. Dan amu menerima isrinya kembali bilamana istrinya mau kembali kepadanya. Ehmm..rupanya cinta sejati juga teman saya ini.  Jarang sekali aku menemukan hal seperti ini..
Mudah-mudahan manta istrinya dapat mengerti Daman dan dapat kembali kepada Daman dan dapat menerima Daman seperti apa adanya Daman. Walau Daman tidak romantis dan tidak panda merayu tapi hatinya dan cintanya etap satu kepada mantan istrinya. Dan dia sangat sayang dengan anak perempuannya walaupun anaknya tersebut ikut dengan istrinya.

Hari ini Daman berulang tahun yang ke 33 tahun. 33 tahun berarti sudah semakin dewasa dalam meniti kehidupannya. Dan 33 tahun merupakan usia yang terlalu tua untuk menikah lagi dimana hampir 2 tahun dia pisah sama istrinya. Dan mukanya semakin suntuk dan pikirannya semakin bingung sejak pulang dari Padang setelah Hari Raya Idul Fitri kemaren

Kami pun membuat acara yang special buat Daman di hari ulang tahunnya dimana ide tersebut datangnya dari teman kerja kami , Diama.. dan kami pun mendukung acara tersebut yaitu membeli kue ulang tahun dan berencana merayakannya secara sederhana di kantor. Jadi kami sebagai teman daman mengumpulkan uang untuk membeli kue ulang tahun dan membuat kejutan buat dia di hari ulang tahun ini...

Singkat cerita hari ini sekitar jam 4 sore, teman saya Yonki mengajak Daman untuk survey ke lapangan , dan saya pun bingung karena tadi Diama bilang mau buat acara jam 4 sore, kok malah diajak ke lapangan. Sebenarnya aku pun terkecoh dengan sandiwara si Yonki itu..,Rupanya kulihat muka Daman agak kesel karena diajak Yonki untuk survey ke lapangan karena sudah waktunya mau pulang kerja. Apalagi saya karena katanya mau ada acara potong kue buat Daman tapi kok diajak ke lapangan. Rupanya aku pun diajak Yonki ke ruang drafter dimana ruang drafter kami jaraknya terpisah gedung dengan gedung kami ,
Daman pun kesel kenapa pula diajak ke ruang drafter dulu sebelum ke lapangan.

Rupanya pada saat Daman masuk ke ruang Drafter...."Selamat Ulang Tahun Kami Ucapkan" "Selamat Ulang Tahun Kita khan Do'akan" Selamat Panjang Umur, Sehat Sentosa.."Selamat Panjang Umur dan Sejahtera" itulah sebagian lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh teman-teman kerja Daman , untuk turut berbahagia di hari Ulang Tahun nya yang ke - 33.
Daman pun terkejut ..karena dia tak menyangka akan ada acar seperti itu buat dia..Dan nampaknya dia sangat terharu dengan apa yang dibuat teman-temannya..
Dan harapan kami semoga Daman dapat tersenyum kembali..

Ucapan saya dihari Ulang Tahun Daman, Semoga Panjang Umur, Murah Rejeki, Sehat Selalu dan Enteng Jodoh..Tercapai apa yang dicita-citakan ..
Mudah-mudahan apa yang kami buat di hari Ulang Tahun mu ini membuat mu kembali tersenyum dan menemukan hal-hal baru sebagai penyemangat hidupmu Daman...
Dan kami sebagai teman hanya bisa mensupport agar kamu dapat menemukan pasangan hidup lagi sesuai yang kamu harapkan. Terserah kamu yang memilih yang mana. Mau balik ke istri lama pun tak masalah bagi kami sebagai teman yang penting kamu dan istrimu bahagia..Dan anggaplah masa lalu kalian itu sebagai intropeksi diri untuk membangun hubungan suami istri yang lebih baik demi anak mu ..Muthia... 

Mohon Maaf Bila Kurang Berkenan....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Here I write down and copy  of :


But the words is not update because it is the last of 3 years. This Body of Knowledge API 570  that  inform you is only for the references/ review if you wanna know about the API 570 Exam ,
If you wanna follow the training & exam for Indonesia based , you can email  info@oilinstitut.com or you can come to their website at http://www.oilinstitut.com/  or you can email me for future information about my post. or you can search in internet according to this subject.

Here the Old of Body Knowledge of API 570 Examination :
June 2007 (Replaces May 2005)

API Authorized Piping Inspectors must have a broad knowledge base relating to maintenance, inspection, alteration and repair of inservice metallic piping systems. The API Authorized Piping Inspector Certification Examination is designed to determine if applicants have such knowledge.

The examination consists of two parts. The closed book part tests the candidate on knowledge and tasks requiring everyday working knowledge of API Standard 570 and the applicable reference documents. The open book portion of the examination requires the use of more detailed information that the inspector is expected to be able to find in the documents, but would not normally be committed to memory.


A. API Publications:

API Standard 570 – Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of InService

Piping Systems

API RP 571, Damage mechanisms Affecting Fixed equipment in the Refining Industry

API Recommended Practice 574 – Inspection Practices for Piping System Components

API RP 577, Welding Inspection and Metallurgy

API Recommended Practice 578 – Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems

B. ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Publications:

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:

Section V, Nondestructive Examination, and

Section IX, Welding and brazing Qualifications

B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

B31.3, Process Piping

Note: Refer to the Publications Effectivity Sheet in the application package for a list of specific editions, addenda, and supplements of the referenced publications that are effective for your examination date.

The following is the list of specific topics in which an API certified Piping Inspector should be knowledgeable.

A. Code calculation questions will be oriented toward existing inservice piping, not new piping. API
    Authorized Piping

Inspectors should be able to check and perform calculations relative to inservice

deterioration, repairs, rerates, or

alterations, such as those included in the following eight categories.

Note: Candidates are expected to understand the SI units (metric system) and the US customary units (inches,

feet, PSI, etc.) and to use both system formulas.


The Inspector should be able to understand inspection data and determine the thickness measurement and visual

external inspection intervals.

The Inspector must be able to calculate:

a) Corrosion Rates (API570,

Par. 7.1)

b) Remaining Service Life (API570,

Par., 7.1)

c) Inspection Interval (API570,

Par., 6.3 & Table 61)

The formulas for performing the above calculations and rules for setting the inspection intervals may be "closedbook”

during the exam.


The inspector should be able to determine the weld joint quality factor ”Ej” of a longitudinal pipe weld joint. The

inspector should be able to determine:

a) Casting Quality factor, Ec from B31.3, 312.3 and A1A

b) Weld Joint Quality factors from ASME B31.3 302.3.4 and A1B;

c) Increased Joint Quality Factors by performing supplemental NDE from ASME B31.3 Table 302.3.4;

Determining weld joint quality factor may be part of an internal pressure problem since the joint factor Ej is used in

the formulas for determining required thickness or internal design pressure.


The inspector should be able to determine:

a) The minimum required thickness or pressure design thickness of a straight pipe section for a internal

pressure only (ASME B31.3 Section 304.1.1 and 304.1.2);

b) The minimum required thickness of a permanent blank for a given design pressure (ASME B31.3 Section


c) The "MAWP" of corroded pipe, compensating for expected corrosion loss at the next inspection (API 570,

Par., 7.2)

The inspector should also be able to compensate for the corrosion allowance. (Add or subtract based on requirements

from the exam problem).


The inspector should be able to:

a) Demonstrate knowledge concerning hydrostatic leak testing (ASME B31.3 Section 345.4)

b) Demonstrate knowledge concerning pneumatic leak testing (ASME B31.3 Section 345.5)

c) Calculate a hydrostatic or pneumatic leak test pressure (ASME B31.3 Sections 345.4, 345.5)


The inspector should be able to:

a) Determine the minimum metal temperature of a material, which is exempt from impact testing (ASME

B31.3, Section 323.2.2, Figure 323.2.2A & Table A1).

b) Determine the minimum required charpy Vnotch

impact values of a given material. (ASME B31.3,

Section 323.3, Table 323.3.5)


The inspector should be able to determine which weld sizes require preheating and/or heat treatment. The inspector

also should be able to:

a) Determine what is the required or recommended preheat temperature (ASME B31.3, Section 330 & Table


b) Determine the governing thickness, holding time, holding temperature, and maximum Brinell hardness

for heat treatment applications (ASME B31.3, Section 331 & Table 331.1.1).


The inspector should be able to determine the total thermal expansion of a material between temperatures (ASME

B31.3, Appendix C, Table C1).


The inspector should be able to determine the minimum wall thickness and working pressure requirements for


The inspector should also be able to:

a) Determine the working pressure and minimum/maximum system hydrostatic test pressure for a flange of specified

material and temperature (ASME B16.5, Par. 2.5 & Table 1A & Tables 21.1

through 23.17).

b) Determine the minimum dimensions of a given flange (ASME B16.5 Tables 7 through 28).

c) Determine maximum working pressure of a flange when given the design temperature, flange material and flange


d) Determine maximum temperature of a flange when given the design pressure, flange material and flange class.

e) Determine most cost effective flange when given the design pressure, design temperature, and flange material.
B. The following are the ASME B31.3 code engineering requirements that are excluded from the examination and

that the API Authorized Piping Inspectors will NOT be expected to know for the purposes of certification


1. 302 Design criteria –(All except for 302.3.3 Casting Quality factor, Ec, and 302.3.4, Weld Joint Quality Factor Ej )

2. 304.1.3 Straight Pipe Under External Pressure

3. 304.2 Curved and Mitered Segments of Metallic Piping

4. 304.3 Branch Connections in Metallic Piping

5. 304.4 Closures in Metallic Piping

6. 304.5 Pressure Design of Metallic Flanges & Blanks (All except 304.5.3, Blanks)

7. 304.6 Metallic Reducers

8. 304.7 Pressure Design of Other Metallic Components

9. 315 Flared, Flareless and Compression Joints for Tubing

10. 316 Caulked Joints

11. 317 Soldered and Brazed Joints in Metallic Piping

12. 318 Special Joints

13. 319.4 Flexibility Analysis, Metallic Piping

14. 319.5 Reactions, Metallic Piping

15. 319.6 Calculation of Movements, Metallic Piping

16. 319.7 Means of Increasing Flexibility, Metallic Piping

17. 322.3 Instrument Piping

18. Chap. VII Nonmetallic Piping and Piping Lined With Nonmetals

19. Chap. VIII Piping for Category M Fluid Service

20. Chap. IX High Pressure Piping

21. App.B Stress Tables and Allowable Pressure Tables for Nonmetals

22. App. D Flexibility and Stress Intensification Factors

23. App.E Reference Standards

24. App. G Safeguarding

25. App. H Sample Calculations for Branch Reinforcement

26. App. J Nomenclature

27. App. K Allowable Stresses for High Pressure Piping

28. App. X Metallic Bellows Expansion Joints

29. App. Z Preparation of Technical Inquiries; Code Cases & Interpretations


The inspector should have the knowledge and skills required to review a Procedure Qualification Record and a Welding

Procedure Specification and to be able to determine the following:

a) Determine if procedure and qualification records are in compliance with applicable ASME Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code and any additional requirements of API570.

The weld procedure review will include:

· One Weld Procedure Specification (WPS); and

· One Procedure Qualification Record (PQR).

a) Determine if all required essential and nonessential

variables have been properly addressed. (Supplemental

essential variables will not be a part of the WPS/PQR)

b) Determine that the number and type of mechanical tests that are listed on PQR are the proper tests, and whether

the results are acceptable.



a) No more than one process will be included on a single WPS or PQR and the WPS to be reviewed will be supported

by a single PQR.

b) Filler metals will be limited to oneperprocess


c) The PQR will be the supporting PQR for the WPS.

d) Base metals will be limited to P1, P3, P4, P5, and P8.

e) Dissimilar base metal joints, and dissimilar thicknesses of base metals will be excluded.

f) Special weld processes such as corrosionresistant

weld metal overlay, hardfacing

overlay, and dissimilar metal

welds with buttering of ferritic member will be excluded.

g) For P1, P3, P4, and P5, for the purpose of the examination the lower transition temperature will be 13300F and the

upper transformation temperature will be 16000F.

B. ASME B31.3

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for welding in ASME B31.3, Chapter V such as:

a) Typical joints and definitions

b) Weld sizes

c) Restrictions on joints

d) Maximum allowable reinforcement

e) Inspection requirements

f) Preheating and Heat Treatment

C. API Standard 570

The inspector should be familiar with and understand any rules for welding in API570.

Any rules for welding given in


shall take precedence over those covering the same areas in ASME, B31.3.

Note: "Editorial" and nontechnical

requirements for the welding subject matter, the candidate is to be tested on, are

excluded. This includes items such as the revision level of the WPS, company name, WPS number and date, and name of

testing lab. However, the API Authorized Piping Inspector should know that the PQR must be signed and dated.

D. The inspector shall be familiar with all the requirements of and information in API RP 577

1. ASME Section V, Nondestructive Examination

NOTE: The examination will cover only the main body of each referenced Article, except as noted.

A. Article 1, General Requirements:

The inspector should be familiar with and understand;

a) The Scope of Section V,

b) Rules for use of Section V as a referenced Code,

c) Responsibilities of the Owner / User, and of subcontractors,

d) Calibration,

e) Definitions of "inspection" and examination"

f) Record keeping requirements,

B. Article 2, Radiographic Examination:

The inspector should be familiar with and understand;

a) The Scope of Article 2 and general requirements,

b) The rules for radiography as typically applied on butt welded seams such as, but not limited to:

· Required marking

· Type, selection, number, and placement of IQI’s,

· Allowable density and density ranges

· Control of backscatter radiation

c) Records

C. Article 6, Liquid Penetrant Examination (Including mandatory appendices II and III):

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using the liquid penetrant

method, including but not limited to the following:

a) The Scope of Article 6,

b) General requirements such as but not limited to:

· Procedures

· Contaminants

· Techniques

· Examination

· Interpretation

· Documentation and record keeping

E. Article 7, Magnetic Particle Examination (Yoke and Prod techniques only):

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using the magnetic particle

method including, but not limited to the following:

a) The Scope of Article 7,

b) General requirements such as but not limited to:

· Procedures

· Techniques (Yoke and Prod only)

· Calibration

· Examination

· Interpretation

c) Documentation and record keeping

F. Article 9, Visual Examination:

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using the visual examination

method including, but not limited to the following:
a) The scope of Article 9,

b) General requirements such as but not limited to:

· Procedures

· Physical requirements

· Procedure/technique

· Evaluation

c) Documentation and record keeping

G. Article 10, Leak Testing (Including Mandatory appendix I Bubble Test –Direct Pressure Technique):

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for applying and using the leak testing

method including, but not limited to the following:

a) The scope of Article 10,

b) General requirements such as but not limited to :

· Procedures

· Equipment

· Calibration

· Test

· Evaluation

c) Documentation and record keeping

H. Article 23, Ultrasonic Standards, Section SE–797 only – Standard practice for measuring thickness by manual

ultrasonic pulseecho

contact method:

The inspector should be familiar with and understand;

1) The Scope of Article 23, Section SE797,

2) The general rules for applying and using the Ultrasonic method

3) The specific procedures for Ultrasonic thickness measurement as contained in paragraph 7.

2. ASME B31.3 and API570:

General nondestructive examination requirements:

ASME B31.3: The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for NDE (Chapter VI).

API Standard 570

The inspector should be familiar with and understand the general rules for NDE in API570.

A. The following topics may be covered:

1. Organization and Certification Requirements.

2. Types and Definitions of Maintenance Inspections.

3. Welding on Piping

4. Corrosion and Minimum Thickness Evaluation.

5. Estimated Remaining Life.

6. Inspection Interval Determination and Issues Affecting Intervals.

7. Maintenance Inspection Safety Practices.

8. Inspection Records and Reports.

9. Repairs/Alterations/Reratings to Piping.

10. Rerating Piping.

11. Pressure Testing After Repairs, Alterations, or Rerating

12. Pressure Temperature Ratings

13. Markings

14. Materials

15. Dimensions

16. Test

17. Limiting Dimensions of Gaskets

18. Methods for Establishing PressureTemperature


19. Methods of performing positive material identification and related record keeping.

More information relative to each of the categories is contained in section "V. PRACTICAL KNOWLEDGE SPECIFIC"

where each reference publication applicable for study for the examination has been listed with relevant topics that may be

covered on the examination.

Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Rerating of InService

Piping Systems

1. Organization and Certification Requirements

a) Certification for API Authorized Piping Inspectors (API570,

Section 4.2 and Appendix A).

b) Authorized Inspection Agencies (API570,

Section 3.4)

c) Piping Repair Organizations (API570,

Section 3.38)

d) Responsibilities (API 570, 4.3)

2. Types and Definitions of Maintenance Inspection

a) Thickness Measurement Inspection (API 570, 5.4.2)

b) Inspection of Flanged Joints (API570,


c) Inspection of Valves (API570,


d) Inspection of Buried Piping (API 570, 9.0)

e) Inspection for Specific Types of Corrosion and Cracking (API570,


f) Visual External Inspection (API570,

5.4.3 & 6.4)

g) Thickness Measurements (API570,

5.5 & 5.6)

h) Nondestructive Examination (API570,

5.10 & 8.2.5)

i) Risk Based Inspection (API 570, 5.1)

3. Welding on Piping

a) Welding Inspection Requirements (API570,


4. Corrosion and Minimum Thickness Evaluation

Note: The inspector should have a general knowledge of the following principles, and may be required to make

calculations using these principles.

a) Corrosion Rate Determination (API 570, 7.1)

b) Maximum Allowable Working Pressure Determination (API 570, 7.2)

c) Minimum Required Thickness Determination (API 570, 7.3)

5. Calculation of Estimated Remaining Life (API 570, 7.1.1)

6. Inspection Interval Determination and Issues Affecting Intervals

a) Thickness Measurement and Visual External Inspection Intervals (API 570, 6.3 & Table 61)

b) Piping service Classes (API 570, 6.2)

c) Extent of thickness measurement Inspection (API 570, 6.5)

d) Extent of Small Bore, Auxiliary Piping, and Threaded Connection Inspections (API 570, 6.6)

e) Extent of Visual External and CUI Inspections (API 570, 6.4)

7. Maintenance Inspection Safety Practices

a) Piping Inspection (API570,

8. Inspection Records and Reports

a) Permanent and Progressive Inspection Records (API570,


9. Repairs and Alterations to Piping

a) Authorization (API 570, 8.1.1)

b) Approval (API 570, 8.1.2)

c) Design Requirements (API 570, 8.2.3)

d) Materials Requirements (API 570, 8.2.4)

e) Welding Repairs (API 570, 8.1.3, 8.2 & Appendix C)

f) Nonwelding Repairs (8.1.4)

g) Hot Tapping (8.2)

h) Heat Treating Requirements, including

· Preheating (API 570,

· Post weld Heat Treating (API 570,

i) Rerating of Piping (API 570, 8.3)

j) Pressure Testing After Repairs, Alterations or Rerating (API570,


API RP 571, Damage mechanisms Affecting Fixed equipment in the Refining Industry

ATTN: Examination questions will be based on the following sections only:

Par. 3 – Definitions ( included as a frame of reference only)

4.2.7 – Brittle Fracture

4.2.9 – Thermal Fatigue

4.2.14 – Erosion/Erosion Corrosion

4.2.16 – Mechanical Fatigue

4.2.17 – VibrationInduced


4.3.2 – Atmospheric Corrosion

4.3.3 – Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)

4.3.5 – Boiler Water Condensate Corrosion

4.3.7 – Flue Gas Dew Point Corrosion

4.3.8 – Microbiological Induced Corrosion (MIC)

4.3.9 – Soil Corrosion

4.4.2 – Sulfidation

4.5.1 – Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (ClSCC)

4.5.3 – Caustic Stress corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement) – High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTTA)

API RP574,

Inspection of Piping, Tubing, Valves, and Fittings

1. Types and Definitions of Maintenance Inspections

a) Piping Components (API RP574,

Section 4)

b) Reasons for Inspection (API RP574,

Section 5)

c) Inspecting for Deterioration in Piping (API RP574,

Section 6)

d) Frequency and Time of Inspection (API RP574,

Section 7)

e) Inspection, Tools (API RP574,

Section 9)

f) Inspection Procedures (APIRP574,

Section 10)

g) Determination of Retirement Thickness (API RP574,

Section 11)

2. Maintenance Inspection Safety Practices

a. Piping Inspection (API RP574,

Section 8)
Inspection Records and Reports (API RP574,

Section 12)

API RP 577, Welding Inspection and Metallurgy

1. Definitions

2. Welding Inspection

3. Welding Processes

4. Welding procedure

5. Welding Materials

6. Welder qualifications

7. Nondestructive


8. Metallurgy

9. Refinery and Petrochemical Plant Welding Issues

10. Terminology and symbols

11. Actions to Address improperly made production welds

12. Welding procedure review

13. Guide to common filler metal selection

14. Example report of RT results

API Recommended Practice 578 – Material Verification program for New and Existing Alloy piping Systems

1. Types & Definitions of activities related to PMI

a) Materials and systems covered

b) Substitutions of alloy material in carbon steel systems

c) Organizations and specific responsibilities

d) Verify proper base metal materials are used in new construction and in repairs and alterations

and that proper documentation is supplied

e) Verify proper welding filler metal materials are used in new construction and in repairs and

alterations and that proper documentation is supplied

f) Verify incoming materials using PMI methods, mark and keep records to assure control of


g) Develop and implement a PMI program for existing systems

h) Integrate PMI in maintenance activities

i) Perform or audit PMI inspections and examinations to assure proper procedures and calibrated

equipment are used and implemented by qualified personnel

j) Maintain or audit PMI record keeping system to assure accuracy

ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

a) Scope

b) Pressure Temperature Ratings

c) Markings

d) Materials

e) Dimensions

f) Test

g) Limiting Dimensions of Gaskets

h) Methods for Establishing PressureTemperature
